CCP what is the counter balance for this

Hypothetically, yes. However, imagine the tank and DPS needed to blow up that many Orcas in one location that are likely a part of a fleet.

Well no not really. CODE. talk a lot about killing botters and stuff like that, but it’s all just roleplay. They like ganking folks and enjoy the butt-hurt it brings out in the populous. Don’t drink the koolaid and start thinking CODE. has anything at all to do with botting or AFK play :stuck_out_tongue:

I wasn’t trying to “sound clever” i was just making a passing comment about physics since it was brought up.


btw: don’t get the impression that you’ll automatically get CONCORD’ed if you use smartbombs in highsec: If you only hit legal targets, CONCORD doesn’t care:

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I guess they want to keep the 0.2 APM “activity” for the 90-year olds playing the game.

Getting their mining ships ganked on a daily basis is what has driven the miners to the extremes of orca fleet mining in the first place. If the hi-sec gankers gave these people a rest once in a while we might not be where we are now. The bigger problem is going to be the lower skilled miners who can’t fly/afford orcas. They are going to be the only viable targets for the likes of code and if ganked enough may well just give up Eve and go elsewhere. Not something i imagine would please CCP.

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Okay so this is an interesting situation and almost everyone one here miss the point (or a point at least) so I’m going to try to assess the whole picture and give you my 2 cents.

Orca’s are expensive. I don’t know what fit that guy is using but depending on that I think we can safely assume it’s around 850M each.

That’s a huge amount of money from the standpoint of a high sec miner. I mean I’m not going to start calculating everything here but the amount of time an Orca has to mine in high sec to pay itself is definitely quite high.

The direct result of this is that imagine that guy loses his fleet, he might be able to replace it but he’s not going to if he loses it let’s say once a week (pulling that out of my ass) because it won’t be beneficial for him.

So now you need to look at your standpoint or the one of your corp/alliance. How much money is this guy taking away from you with his mining fleet. People here are talking about isk efficient fights and they’re right to say that you probably won’t be cost efficient in killing that fleet (except with huge numbers) but that’s not the point.

If you’re removing this guy from your belts then it might be worth it (I mean I don’t know, your call).

So in the end it’s not easy to kill but it’s doable. It will take some effort to gather a pretty big fleet of suicide gankers and might they 2 or 3 attempts depending on the wallet of this guy but in the end it’s an investment that may or may not pay off.

That’s how you should think about it in my mind.

Stop being a gay and stop trying to gank them. Join them or be left behind.

Also all of the below.

So suck it up and deal with it, or help the miners by not making them just targets. Without miners, you have nothing. No targets. No guns. No ships. No ammo. Nothing.

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You’re one of those people has such a little grasp on the reality of how many minerals are already in the game that you really think persecuting a few people here and there makes any appreciable impact on the production of assets.

When B-5RB happened it took a matter of hours/days for prices to stabilise, despite the huge losses of minerals in terms of ships killed and minerals bought from the market.

So stupid, every time I see this “stop killing us, we make the guns you use!” argument I die a little inside, as if you are anything more than a worker ant and that killing you is done with any more consideration than wiping excrement from a boot.

Wow, typical miner

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It is rather amusing. :slight_smile:

And there it is. Eve Online is a mining sim.

I find it cute how you think that just because somebody makes a comment like mine, that I’m just and only a miner. Go ahead and look for me in the killboards and then try to say that again.

See above. Stop assuming, and have understanding for other people outside of your own selfishness.

I don’t know if I’d be bragging.

So do you see any mining ships?

Why on earth would i expect to see mining ships? Is it normal to die in them?

lazy as usual. the fleet is using augmented ice drones. 50mil a pop, purchase price in Jita. and orcas can only field one ice drone, not a flight. 50m3 bandwidth. now about that not being economical someone was crying about.

the better solution is that a buddy suicides in a ECM AOE, griffin. Second pilot flying in a vexor and starts scooping as a many expensive drones as possible. before the orcas can slow boat to scoop the non-responsive drones. its how its done with excavator drones.

counter supplied, you’re welcome.

That sounds like a waste of time, tsk tsk tsk

never thought of that, thanks