That’s because their posts are ignored on the forum, not enough potential for drama in a balanced post.
Well, she is the princess after all.
That’s because their posts are ignored on the forum, not enough potential for drama in a balanced post.
Well, she is the princess after all.
I briefly watched a few minutes of CCP Aurora on Talking in Stations and she hinted that the (separate and distinct) CCP team in charge of the crimewatch and sec status changes was keeping an ear out around the lowsec need and examining any whether there should be changes there. (& note: tags were briefly mentioned and the approach was “wait and see” so no changes planned in the near future)
This of course is not a guarantee of 1) changes happening at all, nor 2) what those will look like. But the attention is there.
So, TBD on whether this attention will lead to changes that impact the game positively, or not.
I can think for myself, but Aiko has vastly more experience of the game in general and of ganking in particular - than I do; so yes, I read and weigh her words with just those thoughts in mind.
An excellent post. I’ve also been guilty of using exaggerated terms in the past to enforce a point or add humor, whatever. I very much agree that debate across many mediums is getting to the point where positioning everything as black/white alternatives and reducing other positions to caricatures is becoming the norm.
Let’s hope more of us start making an effort to create reasoned, balanced, nuanced replies like Sasha’s.
As it happens, I’ve posted on a lot of game forums over the years. And I very much noticed that if you create a new thread and start it off with a reasonable, balanced, well-considered outlook on a situation… a few people read it, nod their heads, and the thread quickly sinks into obscurity.
It’s unfortunate that many (most?) people only seem moved to reply/respond to ‘dramatic’ posts that take a strong stance, but there it is.
People are attracted to drama, it’s nothing new. That’s why there’s a traffic jam everytime there’s a fender bender, they cannot help but stare bug-eyed at what ultimately is nothing. Looky-loos…
I actually love this post, no hyperbols
That is a strangely close-minded position to take, especially coming from you, since you have done a variety of things in Eve. The reality is that Aiko has done quite a bit in the past, not just ganking. True, she probably doesn’t have a lot of extra time to devote to her other pursuits now that she is Queen of Highsec (or whatever her exact title is).
I don’t accept what you say, because I know otherwise. In any case, what I said, stands; she knows a great deal more than me, so I pay attention. It doesn’t mean that I suspend my critical faculties.
No doubt, Lucas, you know more than I do about Trade and Industry within the game - perhaps other areas, too - and I’m not foolish enough to cross swords with you about those, now am I? I read with interest your comments on your own areas of expertise.
I stick to what concerns me and my activities in-game; it isn’t difficult.
She’s not a princess anymore?
So who died and made her Queen?
Queen of HighSec… wow that has a nice ring to it. But then isn’t she the Queen of the Carebears, since Carebears live in HighSec?
So is it just a cermonial position or will she be expected to do things also?
I don’t follow all the roleplay the way I used to. She has a blog and an alliance and a bunch of cats to herd now. Maybe she is still just a princess.
OMG that blog is the funniest thing I ever read online. I hope she sticks to it and I hope she continues with all the ganking and keeping miners safe.
One will just have to ask. To me she’ll always be Princess Aiko anyway.
i disagree
those PVE players who will farm tags are already in low sec farming other things
the carebears will keep carabearing because they care a lot about ship loses
and IMO “more targets for PVP” is the new buzzword , i never , ever thought about , man we need more targets for PVP , nor i ever saw anybody talking about it in game
It’s not new, in my 14 yrs as a member of this community I’ve seen that come up in the forums at various times…
As for more players farming tags, never dismiss the possibility that others may indeed do it due to greed for ISK…
not saying you are
I’m saying “more PVP targets” is the new buzzword
I’m saying the expression have a agenda behind it
like “fair fights” before the arenas
or “new bro retention “ to talk about ganking
Haha, I hear this a lot as well and the response is always so was I lol
Give me some credit, Lucas. I am able to evaluate information gleaned from a variety of sources. You are not the only Trader/Industrialist of my acquaintance, but I certainly do read what you say, if I come across it.
You’ve played the game for longer than I, you have 156+ Omega accounts/characters (I have three Omega accounts, and one Alpha), and you have spent longer involved with Trade and Industry than have I. So, I’ll certainly listen to what you say on those subjects.
It is not self-deprecation. If I don’t know about something, I admit it. If I’m sufficiently interested, I investigate.
What has this to do with the price of Tags? Nothing!
Well to stay on topic: Should CCP change tags to they get cheaper again?
The answer is a clear NO! That would completely devalue the Tag-Farmer’s content. And we have just learned that making content worse is a very bad thing.
So please, keep the tag-seeding as it is, its really worth checking the belts of the area you live in from time to time, there could be a 100 million ISK found in a few minutes of work. Ok, you are a target for PvP if you do it because you can’t do it in Highsec, but thats a good thing, not? Everone wants more targets all the time! Also everything that gives players more reason to visit LowSec is a good thing by default.
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