CCP You failed again

The first people on the grid do.
They were able to successfully kill ships that were 'logging in" without fits OR being unable to react.
That is 1 sided advantage thx to the fact that they were earlier on grid.


Seems more like a failure of players and leadership to hit multiple targets of a giant empire and instead focus all forces I’m one area.


lmao I give up.
Cheers zealots.


JFC. You keep wanting to think it’s our fault for playing the game. It isn’t.

You also keep wanting to say it’s CCP’s fault. It isn’t. There just is physical limits to how IT works. That shouldn’t be hard to understand.

Nothing about the game is supposed to be equal for everyone. It doesn’t have to be anyone’s fault, even though it sucks. The rest of your post is just ■■■■■■■ stupid.

CCP haven’t even commented on the fight yet (and they sometimes do when we hit limits like today). But even before the fight has settled completely, this thread is here crying for reimbursement.

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Thanks for clarifying. Not having been there, it’s not obvious what the experience was beyond ‘could not get into the system to engage in the battle’.

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Just cause you have trouble with logical thinking and basic math doesn’t mean what people say is stupid.
Like I said, Dunning–Kruger effect is a thing.

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No problem. This is the only issue here. Nothing else. I don’t get why people try to spin this.
Well I do, same reason you have bots, cheat mods and any crap like this. They need it to their advantage so they preach it.

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Yes, yes. It’s just totally factual that CCP think it is our fault for playing the game (which is what you have claimed). A totally logical conclusion.


Actually, you didn’t. But hey, can’t expect much at this point.

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Congrats for another record breaking MMO history: Greatest Lag in MMO history. :laughing:


Next time read entire posts not just the parts that interest you.
Reading comprehension is important.

Sure. Next time actually spend some time to calm down before writing such ■■■■■■■■. Then none of this will be needed in the first place because you won’t go claiming your emotional response is fact.


Do you know if any of the CEOs or Directors involved used the Fleet Fight Notification tool to alert CCP that this timer was going to be contested? I know the devs have highlighted its importance several times for letting them isolate combat systems into their own nodes for improved performance, and it would be helpful to know if that was done for this fight. They have to be told before the downtime prior to the combat to perform the allocation, so if nobody told them it would be a contested timer CCP cannot give the system the support it needs to handle that kind of load.

How it is emotional lmao. It’s a game that I want to work for everybody.
Your inability to comprehend the simple state of affairs makes you focus on some non existing issue like emotions lmao. I play this game since 2005 with major breaks due to game being broken. I come back thinking maybe it is better this time and end up saying bye again. Not because I’m emotional but because is broken and doesn’t work as intended lmao.

As far as I know CCP was notified.
Ultimately nothing can be done about it which is why they deny any responsibility to what happens if you decide to play it in such conditions.
Basically you knew this and if you did it and got ■■■■■■ it is your fault and we are not responsible for what ever happens.

Can I have your stuff?

Ah damn, I forgot. You just lost it all. Ah well. Better luck next time.

Edit: and before you whine about reading comprehension again, yes I know you arrived back to find 2 Titans in your hangar, but it just fit with the thread.

Much appreciate you are proving my point. <3 :slight_smile:

Yeah, even with notification, tdi is still bad.

And yep, there it is.

Maybe get a good point and wait before coming to cry on the forum.

You’re the one crying lmao. I’m stating facts.

Sure - even CCP has acknowledged that with notification and the resulting node reinforcement, enough pilots will lead to TiDi. There’s only so much that can be done period - I was mostly curious if the effects seen today were on a standard node or a reinforced node. EVE’s players have consistently met and exceeded the limitations of the server hardware, and while CCP is constantly looking for (and often implementing) improvements, there are mathematically hard limits on the systems.

It sucks that they don’t have better error-resolution processes in place to prevent the non-TiDi effects, though, like the ships becoming targetable before the pilot has solid connectivity. That’s not really a TiDi issue and should be addressed - and I suspect reimbursement claims for that kind of defect may still be honored as that is the game engine behaving in an incorrect and unanticipated fashion.

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