CCPlease: Add hauler ganking to the NPE

I’ve been generally referring to hs ganking in all this, the OP is about teaching hs ganking to a player, so I refer to ganking as such in this thread. if you want to make ganking missions in lowsec a thing, go nuts.

I’m only going to adress this. In the end, this isn’t really my topic, i didn’t create that reddit post.

Scipio showed us the data and simply cruising around would confirm it. Suicide Ganking is on an all time low. Look at the numbers. Parse zKill yourself or seek out his posts regarding it. There are not only less people ganking, there’s a serious lack of variety of killed targets. Looking at freighters and haulers in one or two systems does not make ganking look healthy, despite what some ego trippers (not you; antagonists) subjectively declare. For ganking to recover, it needs more people doing more ganking of more things in more systems, not less people using more accounts on less targets feeding off of the irrelevant isk metric.

Anyhow, i’m currently too busy to keep up with several threads, sorry about that.

I’m still not finding this post even after searching with more info and I don’t really have the time to track it down. Got a link?

Assuming this is accurate though, personally I’m not really seeing ganking being focused on a few target types or a few systems as a problem. It’s always been like this to a greater or lesser extent because people who gank for profit are the ones who keep ganking, and those gankers are going to target the small subset of profitable targets. They’re also going to gank in choke systems because that’s where the targets are.

No worries, I’ve been off and on myself.

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