CCPlease do something about the 1mil sp spammers

Have you ever tried?

I’ll have you know that he was one of the most skilled PvP admiral god-emperor champions in his time.

What happened?

He got so good that it wasn’t a challenge anymore, so he retired. It wouldn’t be fun to play chess with a dog, right?

I remember I’d not log in for weeks at a time just because I was afraid that I’d run into him.

They try to mislead us with their banter and ignore the fact that there are many new pilots being created that continue to jump through rookie systems spamming the recruiting link.

At least they don’t spam. New Capsuleer help chat.

Your posts hurt me and your hate speech against PVP is like a knife through my heart. You are deliberately hurting me through trolling and a perverted sense of “fun” for yourself.

Therefore, you should not be allowed to post.


I wasnt trying to hurt you. Are you sure you are not just acting up

Aiko is on record saying she enjoys hurting other people and doubled down on it as well

I’ll triple down on it.

I’m only here for the griefplay.

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Yet, you still do. And it’s intentional.

I call to have you removed from posting because of your hurtful anti pvp hate speech.


You are kidding?

Mocking me is hate speech.

And when someone shares an opinion that is different than yours they are mocking you?

Questioning me is hate speech.

Please stop before I call in the ISD.

Ok, good talk :slight_smile:

Patronizing me is hate speech.

Please stop.

I don’t know what patronizing means and when ilooked it up it didn’t make it clearer. How about we mute each other

Muting is also hate speech by oppression and erasure. Please leave him alone.

Blocking the spammers won’t do anything. They just go roll another alt.
Banning the spammers won’t do anything. They just go roll another alt.
Blocking the links themselves from being posted won’t do anything. They’ll just link to a chat channel with their link in it, or tell you to see their bio where the link is or they’ll just post the link text without the “www” part and tell you to add that in your browser.

There really is no way of preventing it.
Which is sad, as it is a terrible first impression for new players.

Perhaps one thing we could do would be to add a nominal $1 charge for rolling every new character.
Normal people won’t be affected, as a single $1 charge for a character you’ll be using for many years isn’t even worth noticing.
A link spammer, troll or botter who makes several alts a day will rack up the costs fairly fast.

Something has to change.

They can just create a new account and make a new spammer alt on it. Can use a different (and even disposable) e-mail address. They can use VPN and proper privacy software to hide any HW / SW / whatever based identifier as well thus prevent any new account being traced back to the original.

And as you’ve expressed in your post there are ways to circumvent any link filter thus limiting links to Omega subscription or something to can more severely punish any rule breakers would also not work.

Maybe they could ban the account (and all linked ones) that the referral link benefits but that can be circumvented as well and even more importantly abused to get other people banned. Though if any solution exists it might be around this concept of punishing the one benefiting (the actual spammer) but to ensure it neither can be exploited nor circumvented is another question.

$1 for any character on any account, credit card details to be provided upon account creation.
Call it anti-fraud, whatever.