This is intended as feedback directly aimed at CCP. Take it for what you want.
I hate the current way the skin system is being implemented. I’ve said it. Here are the main points.
There are skins unique to 1 variation of ships with 2+ variations. This one I don’t understand. Reusing assets in a game is like the single easiest thing to do. It should be easy to transfer skins between the same ship variation in most cases. Maybe harder for T2 variants because they have lots of extra bits bit still workable.
Even for ships with the same skin, the skin is unique to that ship so if I want a skin for ship A and its variant ship B also blessedly has the same SKIN, I have to buy 2 skins to have it for both. This makes me not want to buy the damn skin at all because if I am in ship A that I bought the skin for I am happy but now flying Ship B is less appealing because I don’t have access to the nice skin I just spent money on.
The way I see it there are a bunch of ways to fix these problems but the thing they all have in common is sharing skins between variants. If this was implemented, I would probably buy a ■■■■ load more skins. Even if you don’t implement a system where you can buy all the skins for all the variants unlocked at once for a single cost (which would probably just price adjust to the cost of 2+ individual ones anyway) having the ability to own the skins across all ship variants would go a long way towards making me happy.
Want the best example? Look at the Typhoon T1 variant and how many skins it has, now look at the Typhoon Navy Issue and please explain why all the skins on the T1 Typhoon can’t be used on the navy issue? It’s basicly the same ship, come ON.
/rant please bless this comment with lots of thumbs up comments at minimum if you agree so we can encourage a change for the better here in some form or fashion.