NES Skin Store

Any chance of making set bundles for any given set of skins? like all sub-cap skins for set ‘X’? especially for racial set skins
same thing for cap skins as well

would just make it super convenient for people who like hoarding on all kinds of skins and not waste as much time in the store. (I just like making efficient use of my time)


I’d settle for the skins looking in game like they look in the store preview.

Sick of buying skins and having them look like crap in space/dock.

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The other day I noticed that ships become dirty and need a cleaning.

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I noticed there are several skins for ships, but only like two are available for purchase for PLEX. Do they rotate them out every so often, or were they limited runs or event skins? If you can’t buy the ones you want, why bother with them in the first place. Seems like a waiste to make potential money.

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Yeah, supposedly the majority of regular skins are rotated out to be brought back later. However some skins are a limited time offer and still other skins are special drops.


Personally I think CCP should have all regular skins available for players to purchase at anytime. All the other ‘Limited’ and ‘Special’ type skins at various times can be rotated in and out which will help those skins maintain their ‘Limited’ and ‘Special’ status.

Pro-tip… if you are playing the game in a way where you can actually see your ship’s skin other than in station, you are doing it unimaginably wrong.

Did someone write “Gank me” in your ship’s accumulated hull dust?


While warping, it is fun to zoom in and gawk at your fine ship.

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good one, I will keep that and use the line one day o/

oh and now one for you, *"Can I dock my rocket at your space"

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Because everyone is in combat all the time :roll_eyes:


Ambient lighting- e.g. faction station lighting- affects ship skin appearance.

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Just think of how much better the game will run after we remove all the ship’s models. No more textures, polygons, lighting effects. We can just have little squares and pluses. That’s what I want of course, I don’t really want spaceships or anything. I just want my square to blap other squares.

Or not.

No kidding?

Obviously, and it should do that in the preview as well.

Having them be different could be construed as intentional false advertising, we of course understand it is skill based :rofl:

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