CCPlease: Stop auto-activating skins

You keep awarding me with skins for ships I will never fly, and you are auto-activating them on my account instead of allowing me to sell them to someone who might actually use them.

  1. Please stop auto-activating the skins I get for rewards. Let me pile them up in a container as a collection, give them away to my friends, offer them up as tribute, or sell them on the market.


  1. Please build an algorithm that looks at the ships I own and only auto-activate skins for my ships. I’m a high-sec edgelord these days, and I don’t own a revelation or an archon. And yet I keep getting skins for these and other capital ships that someone in null sec would perhaps enjoy.

Won’t happen, the system is intentionally designed as it is. We have the same discussion at every event and about the daily login reward skins as well. CCP does not want the players to stockpile them and sell them at the market, because that would devaluate these skins. You can either activate them and forget about them or simply let them expire.


Also perhaps a way to “motivate” players to train into other ships.


How are they even valuable if they can’t be sold/given/gifted ? They have no price.

What value do they have then? Something easily thrown away has no value. I guess it’s like garbage: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure?


Bottom line: CCP constantly making items soulbound is slowly removing Eve’s player driven market.


I dont use many skins but it would be nice sometimes to at least be able to gift them to another toon on your account/s


Would be better if the skins went into your redeem queue so you could at least redeem them to other characters on that account.

CCP making them auto-activate is definitely bogus coding…


The skins have no value even if not account bound. Hundreds of thousands of people play the the log in game. Much like the fashion and fireworks, skins will be worth next to nothing.

That said, I’d like to add them to my skin collection just to admire them a decade from now and say “I was there”. You can’t do that if you only fly Gallente and half your event skins are Caldari. They’ll be sitting in nowhere land.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Which is why I’m not wild about the Crimson Harvest rewards. Only one skin is for a ship I’m currently flying, and about two I would consider flying in the future. Would be more useful to give skins for a certain class of ship than for a specific race’s ship that I will never ever fly. Or indeed, make them tradable.

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Everyone keeps forgetting that these are login rewards. The reward should always mirror the effort taken to obtain said item. Low effort, low reward, and auto-redeem is part of how low the reward is.

If you run a site, and you get a skin in a container and loot it, then yes, you should be able to sell it, because its a lot more effort than just logging in and clicking a button.

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Well, Events are definitely not low effort and the skin Rewards from the Agency auto-activate.

Personally I don’t think any of the ship skins should auto-activate, Log-in or events. Having soulbound items in Eve is just all sorts of wrong…


Also perhaps a way to “motivate” players to train into other ships.

There is only one way to motivate me to a new and different ship - buff the other ship and nerf mine.

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