CCPls Fix Skin Distribution

TLDR: Stop auto-activating skins on my account, please.

  • When a skin is about to be delivered that will auto-activate, my history should be examined to determine what ships I fly. Give me something I can use. Or, award me the skin, but let me choose what ship type to apply it to from the options available.

  • When a skin is about to be delivered that will be an item I can collect, sell, trade, etc, then just give me whatever and I will let the economy take care of skins I don’t want.

There’s no reason to auto-activate a skin for a Karura on my character who has no capital skills. Why is that junking up my account?


What if the goal of these skins is not to make you happy, but to make you log in and perhaps create new goals for ships to train just because you got a cool skin for them?


That’s a little naive. The goal is to get you to buy PLEX and get the skins you actually want from the NES.

The first taste is always free.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


Working as intended.

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Why do you care about a skin you should redeem and forget about? Are your assets nice and tidy? Are they “JUNKING” up your account?? :joy:


My assets are very nice and tidy. I keep absolutely everything in organized containers. I have literally hundreds of station containers. I’d go crazy if anything was left just sitting in my item hanger and not in a box.

If I can’t organize my real life, then I’m going to organize the hell out of my virtual one.


If they hold that belief, I have a feeling it is being proven wrong. I doubt there is any data to support such a hypothesis being true. Hopefully they are collecting that data to determine if that feature is in fact doing anything to logins or subscriptions that they would like to see happen. From my perspective, getting random skins for ships I don’t fly but already can does nothing, so I am biased against it.

Is this difficult to understand? I would like to be able to receive skins that are valuable to me, and the best way for that to happen is for all skins to be unactivated and loose on the market, loose in my collection, or activated because it is a ship I fly.

Seems pretty simple to me.

I don’t think that is the goal of this feature. Most skins are not available in the NES.

Some people don’t like playing Eve while sitting on a Cheetos dust-covered futon.

Operative word being “cool”.

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I’d like to be able to bank everything (including boosters and MPT) instead of having it immediately applied.


Are your assets tidy? Are they junking up your account like you said?

So are your assets tidy?

Are you under the misapprehension that this is a valuable contribution and will be appreciated by others?


I just redeem the skins and move on with life.


So buy the ones you want and ignore the freebies, they don’t clutter your asset window as they are auto redeemed anyway so this feels like an attempt to complain about something because you want something better for free


I don’t really care that much about the free skins…a nice one arrives now and then. But what I do care about is that even at the major trade hubs most of the skins that are listed are simply not available. Or they are being sold at absolutely ludicrous prices. It is ridiculous that sometimes even a semi nice skin for a ship can be 10 or 20 times the cost of the entire fitted ship itself !!

How did CCP ever let this get so farcically out of control ?

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I don’t think it’s ridiculous to pay a premium for something in the game that lasts forever. Ships should cost less than a skin as they are temporary assets. They get blown up but their paint job carries over to the next one. Until the day you quit.

Previously only skill points were indestructible assets. Now skins and fashion have been added to that.

What’s next in this trend towards the WOWification of EVE?

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:


We’re talking about what is effectively a coat of paint. I’m pretty sure if they charged £50,000 for a BMW and then added ’ for another £1,000,000 you can have a coat of paint for life '…which is the equivalent of some Eve skins…you would not be impressed.

EVE is not RL.

Mr Epeen :sunglasses:

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