CCP's Changes

When PCU was booming, all the bitter vets said that it was due to covid, and had nothing to do with what CCP was doing. And then when it started to crater, they all said that it was due to CCP’s changes, and had nothing to do with it being summer and covid lockdowns ending -and not all changes mind you, just the ones they didn’t like.

But who cares about that when we can feel validated by our confirmation bias?

P.S. I used scarcity to dramatically increase my net worth, and after talking to a few other people, it looks like I wasn’t alone. Seems to me like the problem isn’t that CCP’s changes are ruining the game -the problem is that bitter vets sabatoge themselves with their bad attitudes, and then blame CCP when their failure to adapt doesn’t pan out of them.

I know this will likely sound condescending or mocking, but I am being sincere -if you want to learn how to become a better vet, all you need do is ask. And if you’re going to quit, please donate your stuff to the magic school bus.