So bear in mind these are forum moderating policies, but forums do set the tone for the rest of the game. I poked a CSM member about it, who called it ancient, and that with policies like this in place things are likely done on a case-by-case basis.
But the wording of these policies and the prescribed list of “no-no’s” combined with the reprimand system imply you can dox people 5 times on their forums before getting a 180 day ban. And these are just on the forums, which we can reasonably say these standards apply in-game to an extent. They do leave room for more severe punishments, but still.
here we have the terms of service for the game itself:
now it’s important to note that the “where” you may not do things is not explicitly said anywhere. Because of this, it’s not known if CCP can choose to step in and do something when something happens, like if it’s on someone else’s forums, a live stream, reddit, or a discord call, or they can do nothing as it didn’t happen within the confines of their gaming world. Surely when something significant happens, pressure from the community will count for something, I’ve seen it happen in other communities.
Now let’s say Jared Fogle, a known and convicted sex offender of children (I was careful to use a real person as this is a legal fact not an allegation), got out on parole and decided to play Eve Online. Should he be banned right away? My answer is yes, since eve online is a game and a community, and we don’t want people like that in our community.
But this brings me back to my original point, there is no community/standards guideline, at least visible to me, anywhere. CCP has had nearly 20 years of experience to know what kind of player they want in their game and what behaviors are acceptable and absolutely unacceptable, they should work with the CSM to finalize this list for their community.
If people are having trouble processing CCP’s actions in regard to controversial issues, just know that they probably have issues with deciding when to get involved due to lack of a voice and poorly worded guidelines. In these situations, where we lack any clear guidance and any statement from the company itself, mob mentality begins to rule, and no one wants that.
TLDR: CCP need clearer community guidelines to cover what cannot be done off platform, or on certain platforms, so it is easier to know when to get involved and players aren’t left in the dark.