Challenge repeated on the same day


So when a 3x 50 LP one comes along it’s a massive bonus and virtually a freebie.

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Honestly I think there’s a a little “taking the issue a bit too seriously” running through this thread like a stick of Blackpool Rock.

The option to just not bother and ignore the dailies exists.

If the purpose of the argument is to sue for an alternative form of freebies, specify what that would look like.

Being a game developer is hard. I’d argue that those working for a large company like CCP (who they themselves are beholden to another organisation) is a lot harder than, say, an indie team of 7, purely for the fact that you can agree with some of the players’ concerns but what you can about it is extremely limited, if not entirely nonexistent; then factor in the salient truth that you’ll never please everyone, ever, and it becomes a disincentive to even try.

This isn’t Dr Who, you can’t just bash the writers with tweets to get them to write Forest Whitaker out of the show; it is a 20 year old game with a codebase that, I imagine, looks like a ball of yarn at this point.

Yes, by all means, make suggestions and try to enact change, but don’t neckbeard out over it every day.

The dallies are more of an amusement to me… Kill 25 npc’s? I practically do that anyways just mining on any given day. Scan down five something? I need a lot more skills to do that.

The one I love though is remotely repair another ships armor…

Snorts in amusement

That is not going to happen.

Mostly the dallies just provide a quick source of seriously and Alrighty then… Then I move on to what ever I intend to do that day. If by chance I can actually scan down something. Blow 25 pirates out of the sky. Good for me.

Otherwise, It is what it is. The dallies seem to be geared to people that have been here longer and have better skills and a lot more experience than me… Which is practically anyone that has been paying this game 5 minutes longer than me.

You can do just that. CCP is extremely whimsy in their steadfastness with features or projects. With enough exploitation of their dumb ideas, you can make them backpaddle faster than and/or more toxically than any Olympic kayak champion.

A corpmate and I were talking last night about the Opportunities and the fact it tends to increase traffic on certain activities in a given day. If the Opportunities say “Scan down 5 sites,” you’ll have a lot of people in a given area squabbling over the same signatures, but you won’t have a lot of them fighting in PvP because they’re allied with each other.

It would probably be better if the activities were a bit more RNG’d on an individual level. It might also help if people could fleet up and share the rewards in some way, similar to what happens when you’re in a fleet and do Agent missions. If I’m in the same system as my fleetmates and we’re all scanning down sites, I’d like to see at least partial credit applied to everyone in fleet.

Or you can just go to a career agent system. Guaranteed at least 9 sigs (3 data, 3 relic, 3 gas) that are extremely easy to scan down.

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They seem designed to encourage us to do different things in the game, expand our skills, and reduce boredom.
I am totally against sharing the rewards. If you don’t do the task, you deserve nothing.
I do wish the four tasks were all different

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I like it when we get doubles or triples… I do miss the daily login rewards, though.


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