Changes in the energy consumption of Ammar laser ships are needed

I want to document the conversation I’ve been reading thus far:

  • You: “Laser guns makes Amarr ships cap unstable”
  • “Yes”
  • You: “Cap unstable is bad”
  • “No”
  • You: “Therefore lasers are bad”
  • “No”
  • You: “How can you say ‘no’?”
  • “Because on balance of tons of other factors for fitting lasers on Amarr ships such as targeting, range, reload times, availabilty of fitting options, fleet positioning, cost/benefit, ammo selection, Tachyons unique benefits against opponents, Pulses unique strengths against opponents, and the use of beams, …”
  • You: “Stay on topic, you dummy! You know absolutely nothing! I want to ONLY talk about Laser capacitor consumption on Amarr ships!”
  • “… excuse me, what?”
  • You: “Yeah, you heard me, stay on topic, you’re a dumb know-it-all!”

Hope this gets us all on the same page.

You really remind me of another painful thread where OP didn’t understand cap stability.