I’m not quite sure where you’re getting your information from because it runs counter to a lot of conventional wisdom.
Precisely, thus you always want it faster. So that the next round of cap investment → raw HP reward can trigger sooner.
In my experience armor tanking on the whole is very capacitor hungry compared to shield fits. Especially when shields are fitted with the Ancil style boosters – they use charges instead of capacitor. This has let Marauders like the Vargur remain completely combat operational on zero capacitor: guns require no cap, tank requires no cap. Can’t beat that capacitor efficiency: 0 cap for some X raw HP. Can’t do that with armor. SAAR plus paste gives massive raw HP in comparison but still takes cap.
Many shield fits can fit oversized shield boosters – fitting oversized armor repairers are extremely rare. What armor reps give you in comparison to shields are generally better resist profiles and thus (when fitted properly) better EHP gains. They still take capacitor, and overheating armor reps makes them cycle even faster.
This conclusion doesn’t follow. As I don’t believe you’re accurately assessing shield boosting vs armor repairing.
This is a polemic, and not true. I have survived quite a few fights where it came down to overheating armor repair cycle timers and chipping away at structure in between. Even leaves behind the exhilarating 5% structure (or less)
I agree. You already have that capability:
- Turn auto-repeat “off”
- Press button when you need it
- Toggle repairer on/off quickly, as needed
“Turn on and forget” active tanking I have almost never heard of for armor fits in PvE except some very niche high end blitz-style battleship fits. For PvP it is not viable.
This is exaggeration that erases the truth of the matter. It is the same capacitor cost just in more frequent intervals. You haven’t “forgotten” anything, you just now know how to spend it sooner.
My recommendation: Press your armor rep button twice each time. Actively use your active tank.
Your points would be better-received if they actually represented the reality of the situation rather than making stuff up.
You are conflating:
- Capacitor Cost for Module Activation
- Duration of a Module
- Fitting’s Capacitor Stability
The third one only ever matters for PvE when you’re in a situation where you are not applying enough DPS to really run the room well. The meta at this point is so pro-DPS-tanking that simply skilling up missiles / guns of choice will make it so that you don’t really have to run perma-active tanks anyway.
What are you talking about?
Active armor tanking is one of the top things to manage in a fight. Post-fights pilots analyze the timing of their SAAR rep presses and record their playstyle to get better at this, as a skilled pilot who has mastered this can absolutely punch up their weight class.
No, you don’t want your active armor reps running constantly because they are capacitor hogs.
It’s at this point I think you’re missing the big mid slot companion with active armor fits: the capacitor booster. They go hand in hand.
Look, the point of active armor reps are to reinforce your raw HP as even better EHP (due to resists) moreso than your opponent. Ancillary repairers bring even more EHP which can increase survivability immensely. This requires repping at precise points in the fight which requires piloting skill and constant assessment. You then time your cap booster injections to keep actively repping. This also gives you some neut resistance (especially if the opponent has stacked neuts like a newb) as you can then get active rep cycles in despite the neut pressure.
EDIT to add:
No, structure is your last line of defense. This is why a lot of frigate PvP fits use extra rig slots to buffer out their structure. Best EHP gain per rig slot used.
Damage controls are an almost certain necessity for any active tank: you want to maximize EHP gains per raw HP gained and very rarely is there a module that improves it when replacing a DCU II.
You’re close on this one. It’s that you can either:
- Fit an armor tank, or
- Damage modules (ex: Ballistic Control, Gyros, etc)
Shield tanks do not have to compete slots for tank/damage, but Armor does. This is another reason people prefer shields (which competes for utility/range control mods).