Changing for the worst

Hello ive been spending time floating about in the eve universe since 2011.
On my most recent return Ive been finding the game far more tedious and at times stressful than it is enjoyable, i enjoy exploring space and running D.E.D sites found hidden in the depths. However i have noticed a few changes firstly scanning no longer involves any level of skill as all probes are moved as one rather than individually placed in position. The items dropped seem to have increased in price but the drop rates have been slashed as you can spend days and not find anything or the rewards given are tiers with some T1 junk. This happening site after site for days in a row really takes away the enjoyment and replace it with a feeling of tedious grinding.
The other prevelant issue thats growing seems to be high sec ganking. Its always been a thing but was at one time something that would be found in the lower highsec systems 0.5 or 0.6, ive seen ganking taking place in 0.8s and been ganked when warping into a refugee site.
I used to spend alot of time in low sec scanning and find im having to employ the same looking over the shoulder tactics used in low sec to fly in high secs which can make the game more stressful and ironically makes low sec feel safer than high sec.
The idea of spending most of the time grinding just to cover the cost of the omega due to low drop rates with the increased risk of being ganked imho is changing this game from an enjoable space sim to a stressful time sink grind sadly.

ha! is that all you got to complain about? let me tell you about EVE 2, blockchain edition…


You can move the probes separately

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Yet another thinly-veiled ganking whine thread. Yawn…


Or, and hear me out here, you can work for an hour at literally any job on the planet and just buy an Omega sub rather than have to grind for days on end to purchse PLEX…

Not really whinning when you simply point out observations and encounters experienced while playing.
Never been one for spending cash and encouraging the monetisation of a free to play game. Although with the ability to buy skill points now too eve seems far more monetised than it did before.
Thanks for the suggestion though i appreciate it

EVE has been a subscription-based game since day one…

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Yeah then stop doing it and pay the damn sub. I mean, you pay twice the cash for a 2hour movie ticket with popcorn and coke, but ‘grind’ hours and days to save 10bucks for a MONTH of Omega Access?


Lol I sense alot of this is how I play so this is how I expect you to play. A subscription as in you need a 30day plex when i first started costing approx 350m if memory serves correct. Now its an omega costing approx 2.5b and paying with in-game isk has always been an option also and should still remain a viable option

Paying with PLEX is more expensive than just paying for an Omega sub…

It is a viable option if you don’t care for the ISK spent. But if the grind puts “stress on you” like you said yourself, you should just stop doing that. You act as if someone would force you to grind ISK for PLEX or even force you to play Omega at all. But that isn’t the case, it is a decision you made and if that decision comes along with negative emotions, you should reconsider it. It’s not the game-dev’s obligation to enable you to get premium access basically effortless. “Free Play” is base access, Alpha. You want more, pay. Or plex, but then don’t complain, it was your choice to grind.

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Gotta love the players who complain that EVE is “expensive” at $20 USD, while they will gladly spend $100+ USD on fast food and Starbucks…

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As far as having to look over your shoulder in DED sites in high sec, that’s not really a thing. And if you find yourself having to do that, my suggestion is to move out of Caldari space. Everyone and their dog lives in Caldari space. If you want to run combat anoms and DED sites, go to Ammatar space or the ass end of Khanid. You can spend all day roaming around and maybe see five other players.

Here we go again…

Inflation is crazy honestly like in RL too! What a concept. If you complain about inflation here you better do it in RL too. I plexed for years also and just sadly is not sustainable. Moment I bought a year sub I had 6bil in liquid ISK in a few weeks it was night and day.

Oh it’s like those people who complained when CCP hiked prices but also introduced the lowest per month prices ever via buying omega time in bulk.

I wanted to put a meme here but this really has alot of RL connections of how people (older people) complain but don’t really do anything to make things better in a meaningful way leaving everything to the new generation of players (and devs) to deal with the mess.

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I never mentioned it was about the price. Im simply stating that playing before scanning was far more lucrative and you wouldnt spend days without a site actually dropping anything. Thats where a huge part of the enjoyment is lost, eventually you expect a site to only drop a tier and some T1 gear and as such they become less appealing to run and feel more like a waste of time.

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Everyone has their particular style of play nerfed at some point. You just have to adapt. Find something more lucrative for the amount of time you have to play.

Thats true I appreciate your input you have gave me some handy info.
I may take a look into abysal sites got a few friends trying to get me doing them, they look interesting

Scan in C1-C3 Wormholes. You will find entries all over HS and LS. The pirate data/relic sites there drop good value on average. I often have 50-100 million in a few sites, and they are complete very fast. Sometimes even 100+ million ISK in a single site. Rarely sites that drop almost nothing.

May need to check that out also, again i really appreciate the info ive always enjoyed playing eve, may just need to change some of the things I do in-game. Might even find them more enjoyable than DED sites

I rather pay to play so that way i can enjoy playing and not have it feel like a job, also by paying I then feel fully justified to talk ■■■■ about CCP and the state of EVE.