Why you say no need ?
well…it wasn’t dos 6.0
well it’s either that or the London trunk just got hit by lightning…
because you take the risk of a not running server…as i said before…your sub is for the permission to log…NOT for a guaranteed running server
Yeah I understand … But they should at least give back a bit sometime, like the famous give away of skill points that we never received, remember ?
■■■■■■■■ , you pay that the service(game) provided is working .
they could…they should…maybe they do…but they don’t have to…
I wish I am your electricity provider , I will cut your electricity and let u pay bills and will say that you are paying bills because you are connected . fu
the eula of this game is a standard one…you accepted it by downloading…not knowing what you accepted does not make it obsolete
stop trolling here , go away
You can be mad all you want, the eula you agreed to won’t change, guy.
not liking that i am right i guess
I am not mad just saying eJabbered working as intended
From @Eve_Status:
“We’re currently investigating minor issues with the chat system on Tranquility and hope to have things rectified soon!”
I would hardly call non-functioning chat & local “minor”, but there you go…
relax everyone Netflix working as intended…
probably is minor or major based on how many systems and how many people it is currently affecting
i can’t even use netflix with my current cable reciver
Eve status has vanished from twitter now
So just tried to look for the EVE_Status twitter account and it isn’t there.
ha - how bizzare
Eve hacked?!?