CODE. Bowheads are useless in Hisec


Bowheads aren’t useless in highsec


Methinks you try a bit hard here. Earlier you chose to deny an obvious victory by AG against CODE / Miniluv, just like the CODE players, who said the freighter died, which is untrue as it was saved, and they said some nonsense about losing those ships anyway to CONCORD which is again untrue because CONCORD was not on any of those losses which meant they all got intercepted and blown up before they reached their target.

In itself this was very well played by AG and quite a crushing victory, because this is not really that easy, though at a guess the CODE / Miniluv players concerned were extremely complacent and paid for it. The objective they had was to blow up a freighter and they failed to even get DPS on it. That is quite a crushing victory based on them not even being able to get away from hisec gate camps and to get caught in a smart bomb attack when they warped in. They were completely and utterly outplayed at a tactical and strategic level even with so many cards in their favour.

And one more thing, Bowheads are not useless in hisec…


this tool (ship) is working every day in eve^^
the problem with code and goons ganking ships in some spots is the same with freighters, haulers even shuttles or corvettes^^
but with a full tanked and activ piloted Bowhead they need a bigger and well organised group
not only a smartbomb Maller, 2x Vexor with Sentries or a bunch of Trashers

and this ship is not only for Incursions^^

you do fly Epic Arc and switch to better suitable ships for particular misssions?
you do explorations and need a ship for scanning/sleeper caches/ 5v10/lowsec?
you do lvl4 and need aside from your shiney BS even a noctis and some frigs for burner missions?
you do move from one WH with static high to an other?
you do move with your corp and want to move your fitted doctrin ships?
you do organise public events and want to bring some ships ffor public mining or missionrunning or something?

not all is incursions in eve^^ even in highsec and oh boy if you fly incursions you have the isk for such ships and fit realy quick together
and you can put one pirate bs, one t2 logistig, one scannfrig (where are my drones) and a hoarder in it and you are done
and have still 1m m3 free XD

and if you dont want to risk your big fat ship freighter you are still able to do it the old fashioned way… fly with your BS, JC back, take your logi, use max tank fits, fly your hoarder with an altchar and and and

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Ok, you made me actually check. And I was surprised to find…

No actually it was as expected, CONCORD was on the killmails. Lol

Seriously, I know this is an RPG, but if you just want to make up stories about how ag saves the day please go to the RP forums. We are talking about stuff actually happening in the game here.


Its like he doesnt want anyone to support antiga the way he acts.

“CODE say bad things” then he says bad things.

I dunno man. I guess it just dont mean nuttin


Link them then! Instead of saying it, lol

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There are a few without CONCORD, so he got them probably shortly before CONCORD applied damage. But the big majority does not have the “solo” tag and if you check them they have CONCORD on the killmail, which means they applied their full damage.

Now the question is: Why does ag always have to make up stories about their “victories”?


Perhaps you need to work out who they were shooting…, but there are CONCORD on some of them which I missed obviously, so if you got the freighter where is the freighter KM? Please link that!

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Perhaps you need to make up a new story


Just a slight correction, that CONCORD did get on some of them, the question is whether they were shooting the freighter or the smart bomber, because there is no freighter kill mail.

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You did not see CONCORD on those killmails either, so I’m not surprised you are completely lost again. Maybe you should go back to shooting red crosses in null instead of talking about stuff you clearly have no idea about.

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oh god, the irony.
it burns!


Since those idiots turned up Eve concurrent player count has fallen of a cliff.

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The CODE. Alliance is part of an umbrella organisation; ‘The New Order of Highsec’. That organisation began with a lone pilot (James 315) bumping miners in an asteroid belt, in 2012.

Your attempt at deprecation is wholly undone by the New Order’s runaway success over the past 5 years. It is the most successful Highsec player-driven initiative in modern memory. Barely a thread in GD doesn’t contain some reference to our activities (positive and negative - it usually goes in pairs).

Your wild statement about the concurrent EVE player count is quite funny, in a ‘some-people-say-stuff-because-they-can’ way. It is otherwise barren of interest.

I like the Bowhead. It is definitely useful in Highsec, but is best piloted by the more savvy capsuleer - who has invested 10m ISK in a Permit and follows the Code assiduously. You know it makes sense.


Well, too bad you’re a known pathological liar.

Yeah, kinda wrecks your credibility… Sorry.



Since all the Steam players who joined at the same time and it became a popular thing in the US and on Reddit but has now run its course as OMG the best thing like ponies were it is now back to being a niche game which is ok because
longevity is a good thing.

Everyone thinks everything they don’t like is the cause for something that isn’t really an issue, since 2003, this is eve.

Not a CODE fan but historically this was just one guy bumping miners, because he felt that risk free isk generation of the scale that was happening at the time was bad for the game

Whether he was right or wrong about that fact, he took action and changed the face of the server for good or ill

That is content no doubt- one character affecting the whole game world.

AG exist and they do foil CODE sometimes despite propaganda, and that is content.

Maybe not for everyone, maybe not for you, me, Ill never pay for a permit because I’m too cool for school but I have to salute one of the last great high sec content creators- pity 2012 was 5 years ago.


Actually it was too easy…

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Is it the bumping part that makes it too easy?

Genuine question I respect your point of view on this subject.

Or was it too easy because of acquiescence and complacency from others, or because

it was a good idea and it was too easy to make isk risk free in high sec?

I wasn’t there- tell me your side of the story

First of all when you said five years ago I thought you were referring to the glory days of miner ganking in that the destroyers had their DPS buffed and CCP ignored the impact on the mining ships who then became super easy and cheap to kill.

There is always a certain amount of complacency and acquiescence that makes it too easy, however you also have to understand that Eve is a game that takes a lot of time to do anything, so what you have is people who take risks, most notably the casual players who have maybe one account and maybe an hour or two a day at most to play and gaps in the days that they can partake. Doing anything properly takes a lot of time, when you actually hunt people you understand the difference this makes.

The bumping issue creates in my opinion a stale game play, in that the gankers can get a bump on that ship and then ping for people to log on, this is all well and good for 0.0 type stuff but not really for something like this. This enables the gankers to control the battlespace to a degree that they do not have anywhere else in the game. They can hold that ship there up until the next down time if they want to. If the player logs they can suicide an Ibis every 15 minutes to keep it in space and the person who is locked cannot safe log, so it is really a slam dunk, a done deal, and the only counters are get an interceptor 150 km + in the direction that the freighter is being bumped and hope that the bumper screws up, or hope that some kind souls in three gank Talos’s will come and blap the bumper.

There is no dynamic fast flowing action around gates when someone with a big ISK load wants to take a risk and tries to use the gate timer to get away, this would be fun game play and require the gankers to act the same way as everyone else in terms of catching people. Instead they just stack up targets and use a spreadsheet to carefully calculate just what they need. However I also recognise that having it too dynamic would be perhaps too hard for them to do, though some gankers have said that they could.

At this point people can have fun trying to get loads through and they can be impeded by real choices that their preys makes and by AG getting in the way etc. But we have bumping, sigh. It is just stale and boring game play period.

When you talk about making ISK in hisec, well it depends, what you mean, mining is low return, and the returns that they made during the period when they were easily ganked meant that many just saw their progress wiped in very short order, you will find Incursions make a lot of ISK, but they are pretty boring, burner missions too for LP, level 4 missions are grinding bore fests, while Indy is a bit more interesting.

Nullsec has been given certain advantages now for indy, but doing a line of certain production in hisec is still very valuable, but it is foolish to make a distinction between hisec and other areas, because any real indy player work with both, and this also plays out elsewhere too, I can run sites in nullsec or log on a mission alt should I wish to.

There has always been ganking and there will always be ganking in hisec, most AG players support ganking as a game style, however the key thing I want to see and most that I have spoken to is a better balance, and bumping just does not really create good game play.

Getting around these gankers is pretty easy if you have time and want to make the effort, there is a good reason why certain players have not lost anything, for my part it is because I have the time and resources to do it differently, I could go into detail on how to avoid them, but one thing I would like to point out it is not complacency. I came across a number of freighter pilots in hisec who were hellish risk takers, and yet CODE paints them otherwise, quite laughable to be honest, but I want those freighter players to have proper risk balance game play.

PS Certain posters on this forum will of course jump all over this like a rash, but this has been my opinion for a long time.

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Seems like a balanced response. I just cant see a way to remove bumping and not make it worse. I have made a thread in the ideas forum but I will be the first to say its not great idea. Well it would be awesome but might cause chaos.

I personally enjoy the CODE presence in the game, I like the fact that new players are told to watch local and be risk aware, and think AG must have some effect on their activities or they wouldn’t respond at all- some of the AG chat dumps on miner bumping are funny BUT they also tell me CODE needs you like peanut butter needs jam.

Honestly I do think that the CODE always wins because as long as players are responding to them they are Pvping, go and mine somewhere else because you don’t want to pay a permit, well you just got PVPd.

But at the same time I cant find a way to use the mechanics that would let me mine in a bling fit battleship with my own gank ships set for a log off trap and actually get the bumper, without suiciding my own ships- but they suicide theirs so that’s balanced?

The freighter ganking I don’t get why bumping is an issue because who flys a capital ship solo, they are massive freighters and a scout and a webbing alt just solve everything don’t they?

edit- my questions aren’t rhetorical you are a discusser not a ranter so I’m ready to hear your point of view