First of all my post had no emotion in it, just pointing out what the bumper who petitioned a guy following him to report intel was playing with. It is a cold assessment of what that was all about, as I said I hope you learn something from it, you evidently did not. Which I expected to be blunt, because of what you are.
So what false accusations have I made? Everybody games the player who they are against, I have been playing competitive games since the early 80’s and gaming the players and the GM is part of the process. I have had people tell me they fecked my mother after I blew their ships up in Stain, I did not report them once, I just accepted it, people letting off steam from meaningful losses.
You gave me the chance to post why CODE act this way, well let me put it this way it is human nature, when you win you want the other person to feel that loss, especially important when the actual fight if there is any, is a foregone conclusion, that is important. You will find in Eve (and all other competitive games) that the easier and more one sided the fight the more humiliation and nasty digs are aimed at the loser to get a buzz from it. If I am stating that it is an observation of behavior and I offer no criticism either way. It is as it is.
You fall into their trap, ganking is part of Eve, what CODE does is aim their stuff at the enemy players emotions and it is very well done. People like me, for fun, decided at some point to make it harder from them and boy do they whine about it and show their true colours and it is fun watching them get all huffy and puffy… In other words doing to them what they do to others.
And remember the butterfly affect, in Eve you get back at them by treating them as unfairly as they treated you, there is nothing wrong with it. When I decide someone is my real enemy I will look for every advantage I have and I will use it and that is it, they do that.
So no I do not see your point of view, if you are a new player which I doubt, I think you are utterly naive and foolish. Treat others as you expect others to treat you, well no, it is more like treat others as they treat you, as I said you are naive and if you are what you say you are and stay in Eve you will learn.
When you looked at Ima Wreckyou’s post it sounded so reasonable, except that the GM did pass that warning on to the new player. Also he said that they did not follow people around and then said that they did, great stuff as per normal.
So funny. And that is what you play with in terms of CODE. That was aimed at the player and was also a dig at CCP, Ima will always gloat and try to stick the knife in but in doing so really exposes the mentality, he can’t help it, I find him one of the most amusing posters, I have given up directly replying to him but love seeing the desperation in his posts to look smart.
And this, he was very specific with his quote, of course he will deny it. But Scipio is an especially clever guy, he realised that he had made a mistake by posting what he did and knowledgeminer an especially effective AG player who blows up miner gankers picked up on it.
And here we go again:
Yeah right except it does not.
They don’t need to justify what they do I agree, but oh boy do they do it, any chance that they can, and that is part of what you do not understand if you are in fact a new player.
I think that Salvos was right on what you are, I thought that when I did my reply above to you on what CODE was up to with that petition, but it was a fun thing to put out there on what they were at, and their replies were as I expected, too full of themselves to realise, and you were just a bit too sucking up to them to be believable.
So at this point you are added to my likely CODE alt list, and if you are not, well it is what it is…