CODE - can anyone can explain?

There has been more clarification from CCP over the years than just the bumping clarification threadnaught on the old forum.

I’ll dig up the reference (it was a GM post in a reddit thread around the same time as the start of the GM clarification on bumping, that explained that CCP weren’t limiting themselves to only consider following to bump as being considered harassment, on a case by case basis. They would consider all cases on their merit).

But yeah, what I wrote isn’t what you read, and that’s my poor wording, because what you read has nothing to do with the intent, nor the words written. It’s sometimes hard to write so that everyone reads what is meant, but not much can be done about that when people want to read what they like anyway.

Hi everyone,

I found this thread that hopefully adds some clarity to the debate. The 18th post in the thread seems to me to be of particular importance. The last sentence to me gives a clear understanding of exactly how they are looking at situations. Hope this helps you all.

fly safe

As it is an archived thread maybe it is time for affected parties to get an updated official response of the matter so that there can be no ambiguity.

Name exploits used by CODE. Point at them.

ah, right - CODE. doesn’t use exploits…

I am very aware of that particular post and I know what Scipio and the bumper who made that complaint about the new player keeping eyes on him was doing.

They were having a go at the ruling that this GM made, because if they (the GM’s) can do this for miners being followed to different systems and bumped then why not people following bumpers and reporting them.

The bumper who complained made it very clear that the person reporting his location was damaging his game play which was the terms used by the miners. I call this gaming the GM, it is classic game play.

If you want to sit there and say CODE has a point well yeah, but what is it?

Well it is simple, CODE would like to be able to chase targeted snow flake players around and harass them until they quit or fulfill their fantasy as raging carebears. This ruling stopped CODE from going too far with targeted harassment if the player took steps to avoid them by moving systems and they would love to see this end. Just think how much juicier minerbumping would be for example if they harnessed Dyson every where he went…

CODE love to play mind games on their opponents, and they are very good at it. They can do absolutely nothing against experienced, clever and PvP able players like myself who play to be hard to kill, in other words we do not make it easy for them. I remember fondly the last time they tried to gank me, I had links high grade slaves and was moving with the AB on in a brick tanked Proteus when they came in on me in Thrashers, I lost 20% of my shield and I laughed at their feeble effort. Without a doubt more people need to play like me, sadly CODE do have a point, many players make it too easy for them.

And when I go after bumping I do so because the only counter is to have three people in Talos’s ready to come in and blap the bumper, or I log off and wait them out, find a WH that by-passes the choke points or give up using ships that can be bumped easily. Also it is such a strategic advantage it is unbalanced. They used to chase and gank freighters, but now they tell you if bumping goes so ends ganking, well easy at your leisure ganking ends , but they will continue to gank fools who stack so much in their ships that it is worth doing.

Hopefully you learn something from all of this, let’s see. o7


The reason why CODE has such high loss to kill value ration has a lot to do with how cheap catas are and how much cargo bears are hauling in antitanked t1 haulers. Just think about it - 10M t2 cata can kill t2 hulk or ORE fitted ret. Then you have ppl flying cargo expanded mammots/iterons/badgers with a couple B inside.

thank you for your response. I am a new player and I am trying to find my way through the mess of history to see if I can find a place in this game and become an advocate. It is clear to me that all, regardless of the activity they undertake are passionate about the game they enjoy and wish to ensure its long term survival.That is the common ground in my opinion.
This debate is clearly emotive. I am trying to take all the emotion out of the debate and attempting to treat everyone fairly and drawing my conclusions based on fact,evidence and my personal observations.
I am not the kind of person who will idly sit by and have false accusations hurled at myself or other players. I am not stating that you personally have made false accusations I am merely stating how I treat people. Wether I like or do not like a particular playstyle is immaterial to me.I will treat all fairly and I expect the same. On that note from all that I have read, regardless of propoganda etc I still see a particular group due to their playstyle having false accusations hurled at them. They correctly take offence, supply evidence which simply gets ignored and the emotive debate continues.
I am here to PvP. For 3 months I have carebeared away quite happily as I try to figure out what to do next in the mess ahead to forge my path. As such I am just as much vulnerable to CODE as the next new player until I am ready to move on.Just because they may blow me up does not mean I am then going to treat them unfairly. I hope you can see my point of view.

TLDR. Treat eachother fairly and with respect.Find your common ground and move forward.This issue is not a fair reflection on the game as a whole in my opinion.

Obviously half of what he wrote is lies again. If you go to the earliest minerbumping blog posts you will quickly notice that what the New Order bumpers did was that they would chose a system and then clean the ice field by bumping everyone out. There was never anyone even wanting to follow someone around and bumping them, certainly not from the New Order and CODE.

So why is there this regulation that following someone around and bumping them is harassment? Because what the GMs told them first when the carebears cried was “well move”. So they moved to another belt, got bumped again so they came back crying again and the GMs told them that they should move further away, jumps not just belts and if in that case the bumpers would follow THEN it would constitute harassment and they would do something about it.

So it is quite ironical that they now cry about how the ruling they forced bites them in the a. I however still think if there actually was a ban or a warning then the ag in question was probably abusive in local or something, some of them are quite toxic and bitter people. I don’t think a GM would even warn someone for following around and reporting intel in another channel, that would be seriously broken and completely against what I think EVE is, a competitive multiplayer sandbox.


I was not having a go at the ruling that is made in that old thread. You can try to attribute that sort of stuff to me, but you are wrong.

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, the ruling while specific to bumping does lay down a line that shouldn’t be crossed, and that line applies to everybody.

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I’ve personally bumped some poor bastage in an Orca for 3 hours straight before he finally gave up, logged out, and supposedly reported me for harassment. Guess what happened? Not a damn thing. Why? Because I told the guy beforehand exactly what I was going to do if he didn’t leave the system and find lucrative opportunities elsewhere. He thought I was bluffing, and found out otherwise…

firstly thank you for the links that you provided yesterday. There is a lot of history in here and in conjunction with the other timeframe I was supplied I have a clear understanding of events. I see genuine aggrievement on both sides of the equation. There is a clear lack of consistency taking place resulting in chaos and ambiguity.
For me you ( collective ) do not need to justify what you do or why you do it. I see and respect your point of view.


Why not? What was your business model?

Excellent. Perhaps you can explain something then … in the spirit of this thread.

Is this James “I’m just a naughty boy” 315 the same 315, as was, as is, and presumably always will be?

There has often been a suspicion that what we have is in fact a “Dread Pirate Roberts” situation where we have a name, but no actual person. Or at least, not the same person. Do you know?

There is also a suspicion that members of the “Mighty CODE.” ™ [sic] do not actually know. But as you have accepted him as your personal savior, albeit in your role playing mode, do you know?

First of all my post had no emotion in it, just pointing out what the bumper who petitioned a guy following him to report intel was playing with. It is a cold assessment of what that was all about, as I said I hope you learn something from it, you evidently did not. Which I expected to be blunt, because of what you are.

So what false accusations have I made? Everybody games the player who they are against, I have been playing competitive games since the early 80’s and gaming the players and the GM is part of the process. I have had people tell me they fecked my mother after I blew their ships up in Stain, I did not report them once, I just accepted it, people letting off steam from meaningful losses.

You gave me the chance to post why CODE act this way, well let me put it this way it is human nature, when you win you want the other person to feel that loss, especially important when the actual fight if there is any, is a foregone conclusion, that is important. You will find in Eve (and all other competitive games) that the easier and more one sided the fight the more humiliation and nasty digs are aimed at the loser to get a buzz from it. If I am stating that it is an observation of behavior and I offer no criticism either way. It is as it is.

You fall into their trap, ganking is part of Eve, what CODE does is aim their stuff at the enemy players emotions and it is very well done. People like me, for fun, decided at some point to make it harder from them and boy do they whine about it and show their true colours and it is fun watching them get all huffy and puffy… In other words doing to them what they do to others.

And remember the butterfly affect, in Eve you get back at them by treating them as unfairly as they treated you, there is nothing wrong with it. When I decide someone is my real enemy I will look for every advantage I have and I will use it and that is it, they do that.

So no I do not see your point of view, if you are a new player which I doubt, I think you are utterly naive and foolish. Treat others as you expect others to treat you, well no, it is more like treat others as they treat you, as I said you are naive and if you are what you say you are and stay in Eve you will learn.

When you looked at Ima Wreckyou’s post it sounded so reasonable, except that the GM did pass that warning on to the new player. Also he said that they did not follow people around and then said that they did, great stuff as per normal.

So funny. And that is what you play with in terms of CODE. That was aimed at the player and was also a dig at CCP, Ima will always gloat and try to stick the knife in but in doing so really exposes the mentality, he can’t help it, I find him one of the most amusing posters, I have given up directly replying to him but love seeing the desperation in his posts to look smart.

And this, he was very specific with his quote, of course he will deny it. But Scipio is an especially clever guy, he realised that he had made a mistake by posting what he did and knowledgeminer an especially effective AG player who blows up miner gankers picked up on it.

And here we go again:

Yeah right except it does not.

They don’t need to justify what they do I agree, but oh boy do they do it, any chance that they can, and that is part of what you do not understand if you are in fact a new player.

I think that Salvos was right on what you are, I thought that when I did my reply above to you on what CODE was up to with that petition, but it was a fun thing to put out there on what they were at, and their replies were as I expected, too full of themselves to realise, and you were just a bit too sucking up to them to be believable.

So at this point you are added to my likely CODE alt list, and if you are not, well it is what it is…


Well said, because that is exactly what you try to do when you come here to the forums, spread your lies and paranoia and try to “play the GMs” (and Devs) to change the game and ruling in your favour.

You know, no matter what you say and project onto others, that is actually not normal behaviour.

Most people will take a game and then accept the rules as a kind of contract with other players that both uphold when they compete with each other IN the game. Most players don’t try to change the rules by running crying to their mother or the GM so he “balances” the cards by “godly intervention”. Most players don’t come to the forums and cry for game changes that would deliberately hurt their enemies just because competing with them with in-game rules is a challenge and needs some effort and initiative.

I play the villain IN the game. As a player I just play by the rules and enjoy EVE in my way and the way EVE is and the rules are. Somehow you are completely unable to see this difference and what’s wrong with “playing the GMs and Devs” instead of just the game.

You are what people in an offline game would call a bad loser. A guy who can’t keep it in the game, does not try to succeed at the game by improving his own play but by blaming the game itself and trying cheating his way around the rules to try to get an unfair advantage by other means.

And not even this you get right, because your ilk does not realize that if the rules change they change for everyone. As evident by the very ruling you cried about here. The good players immediately adapt and the guys who cried are where they where before or realize too late that they shot their own foot and come back to the forums to cry again. Hence the never ending cycle of calling for “one more nerf to fix the game”.

And that’s why I’m actually here on the forums. Not to play the meta-game and try to manipulate GMs and Devs like Drac and salvos and all the other “bad losers” do, but to push back against their attempts to cheat , to end the cycle which waters down EVE and removes bit by bit what is great about this game.

You should be ashamed of yourself and get some perspective man.


I am really sorry that you have come to your said conclusion.

I specifically wrote this line for you in my effort to stress that even though my reply was to you it was not about you but the state of the game.

This is what happens when you become immersed in an issue. I have remained objective in my view.

fly safe


So much butthurt in that one. The example of a CODE aligned ganker trying to game a GM is pretty evident in the example I gave and is normal CODE behavior. Your narrative of destroying ganking when anyone changes anything in the game is amusing as hell and is gaming the GM’s. Get some perspective man… :roll_eyes::sunglasses:

What I find really amusing is your false moral outrage, it is fantastic to see, made my day.

You were being too sucky up, seen it done too many times by CODE posters pretending to be new players.

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We all know why you are here.

To immediately attack/troll/derail even the remotest notion of CCP or the community looking more closely at suicide ganking, its rates on player attrition, or associated unique mechanics.

Its, like, your djerb.


Your hearsay about one incident of someone who is “CODE. aligned” is evidence that this is “normal CODE. behaviour”?

Never mind that what I was talking about has nothing to do with hearsay since the forums is LITTERED with requests of ag to change the rules in your favour.

And somehow you still don’t seem to see what is completely wrong with that.

So my pushing back against idiotic changes to the game that would change stuff I like is “playing the GMs”? Yeah right :roll_eyes:

Maybe she just has a working brain.

You are getting rather emotional Ima, calm down gankbear…

Oh and this

Is all that needs to be said about you.