Code. is without a true leader

The only splashback I think I’ll be seeing is a frozen Code. corpse hitting the inside of a secure cargo container inside my ships cargo hold after I scoop it.

Uedama is at most code free, unlike days past . They seem to be off killing mission runners in out of the way systems. Except for Aaaaarrgg in his old hunting ground as always

Are you saying that there are in fact more Vherokior like Code. pilots?

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If I have shares in CODE, then take a snip from the section in the corporate portfolio that proves I have shares.

Im not certain why you didnt post your visual proof to begin with.

Lol…CODE is nothing but lies and scams. donator no 5


Lol…God like reign.

Therefore James315 is not a God, but merely a pretender.

All of those donors have contributed billions, let me check again, yep billions worth of ISK to CODE, at least 500 billion worth of ISK from the looks of it.

Yet, CODE is trying to sell the alliance for six billion ISK.

Destiny Corrupted - Aiko opened a chat, and asked if I’d be interested in purchasing CODE. for 6 billion ISK.

So where did all of that 500 billion worth of ISK goto CODE if you are trying to sell the CODE alliance for only six billion ISK, the economic of your sell value doesn’t reflect the asset values represented by the shear insanity of the donation amounts.

I think CODE has lost its confidence because someone inside of CODE broke the confidentially of CODE.

They revealed the secret CODE. schedules?


ofc this is not true
ms @Destiny_Corrupted and princess @Aiko_Danuja are engaged in a lot of premarital handholding, the rest is just fun and games

But Destiny and I… we…

I already have.

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Not a villain, Destiny sticks to General Discussion and can be seen as super Snuggly Destiny Corrupted | Character | zKillboard

Hand-holding negotiations with Aiko were inconclusive, so we made love instead. Round two of negotiations will commence next week, which will hopefully allow us to determine the weekly custody pattern for our one set of wearable cat ears and tail.


over 2 Trillion actually, the evidence is all there all you have to do is read it and i suggest you start at the beginning it may take you a while though 8 years of daily updates is a lot of reading.

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That would take Frostpacker about 25 months at current activities.

Was sitting in perimeter when Aiko mailed me and said I was just the man to turn things around, that my leadership was desperately needed, and for 7 bil I could take the helm of CODE.

She went on about how intelligent and wise I am, and how she knew she could trust me.

Then I logged a few random jita alts and they all had the same mail.

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That just sounds like she wanted to make sure that you saw the mail if you played on only some specific character(s) that day.

I am very impressed by her diligence.

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Imagine the day after she sells code 5 thousand people turn up thinking they are the new leader and head of code.


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that happens every day :slight_smile: so many disappointed people maybe they didnt have full faith, but i will sell CODE. for 6,999,999,999 mill isk much cheaper than Aiko and of course isk up front .

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That’s a lot of ISK…

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