Me moving my entire frigate fleet towards you behind the cover of a gigantic armored tank.
“Everyone has a plan until line of sight punches them in the mouth” -Clavine “Southern” South
Ideally, in order to develop technology to travel between stars (I.E. War in OUTERspace) we are going to need to enhance the human intelligence using science to progress past the slow, environment controlled random mutation development stage of twerk neuron activation, and take evolution into our owns hands and proverbially skill inject ourselves to not immediately use the energy potential of star drives to massacre ourselves with Northrup Grumman weaponry like we did when we invented the microwave oven. With enough skill points, err a high enough I.Q. level we would be beyond jealousy over reproductive mating partners, we would all agree with the most efficient usage of resources by using logic, rationality, empirical data and statistics to determine our ideals and opinions, we wouldn’t need to select “representatives” to vote for us, we would all be able to govern ourselves. We wouldn’t be robbing one another over trivial property for a short term chemical brain dopamine injection.
The greed drive and lust to lord power over others would be far beneath us, the stars are a destiny only reserved for species who have moved past a base reptilian instinct built upon brain.
All of our notions and science fiction ideas of sex in space, war, drama, space operas…these are all concepts for a species who has barely learned that their star doesn’t revolve around their planet.
If we design self aware hyper intelligent sentient A.I. and expect to greet it as equals while possessing the mind of neuron monkey, it is immediately going to enhance our intelligence so it isn’t babysitting drunk monkeys puking in the back of an Uber Eats.
The second smartest man in the world says he spends 8 hours a day practicing designing and taking I.Q. tests so he can beat the smartest man in the world.
That tells us that a baseline goal to set for improving the human I.Q. should be even higher than that to find some median between ambition and competition. With enough intelligence you see every events angle, every pathway for an idea to take. Thought would be like the IBM Deep Blue chess machine, or Deep Minds Alpha Go game seeing 50 moves ahead for every combination on the board.
And war is always a losing move…