Combating Ban Evasion on the Forum

Hello everyone,

recently, and currently still, we’ve had sudden waves of brand new alternate forum personas appear on this forum, writing in a very similiar style and seemingly circumventing bans.

Of course, you could invest in cutting edge technology to detect banned IP addresses through all the various masking and rerouting techniques.

What I propose on the other hand, can immediately be applied and comes with a zero cost investment. The proposal: Restrict posting on the forum until that character has reached a minimum age. Let’s say for example 90 days.

From here, you have a vast amount of options available to further tweak this access restriction.

For example, if you wish genuine new players to be exempt from this rule, you could limit access to the New Citizen sub forum only.

Further, you can additionally introduce a minimum playtime requirement that has to be met, before posting may commence. This could be reset every month, so only active players are able to post, further deterring malicious agents on this forum.

As you can see, the general idea can easily be modified and adapted to fit your specific expectations. I believe it will turn out to be a significant net positive to the quality of the forum.

With warm regards
-James Fuchs

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That’s not going to change a thing. I already have another character up since my last char got perma-banned for ridiculous reasons.

Meaning I only have to send the alt around on AP for a bit while I do outside activities?

I get your motivation but I don’t think that this is going to help. In contrast, it will drive even more genuine posters away that do not meet these draconic requirements.

Cutting edge technology to detect IP addresses?

Mate they get sent in the HTTP headers, but with VPNs and Tor et al on the scene, bundled with the facts that most people are on dynamic IP addresses and IPV6 is still not fully rolled out, you’ve got zero chance of using that effectively unless you want to take out entire IP address ranges and have a variety of players pre-banned on a rolling round robin basis.


Forum ganking. The “new” tactic to reach idle carebears… If you can’t gank them in the game, you can still gank them here…


Missed opportunity to recommend requiring a minimal amount of destroyed ship value on zKill to be able to post on the forums. :eyes: :thinking: :innocent:

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Can we include lost in that? :rofl:

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Well it is easy to lose ships but only real PvPers can destroy ships. :wink:

:smirk: :smiling_imp: :popcorn:

I’m still very much on the losing side of that equation. But that’s ok. :expressionless:

Indeed. You’ll get used to it and in the end, win or lose, a good fight is a good fight. :wink:

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If these subs were actually still used by more than two dozen people I’d say just go back to needing a sub to post. Unfortunately that would remove the most active of the ones still here who haven’t even logged into eve in years

I still pine for the old forums.

That is a really bad idea.

That really is a very bad idea.

That is the worst idea I ever heard in my entire life.

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I say, if the GM’s, ISD, and Devs perma ban someone from the forums, and that person circumvents the ban and they confirm it is indeed that “person/player” then ALL their in game accts get perma banned with no appeal and no

Are you the same james fuchs i remember from the days of terragen?

So salient. I haven’t paid for eve in proably years, but I still linger like a bad smell.

Like that one guy who wanted to have the first Azariel blueprint and smart-bombed a ton of his alts in T1 cruisers to gain the required loyalty points.

In a game with multi-boxing, the mere number of ships destroyed means rather little, I fear.

On topic: I doubt it would work well, but can’t come up with a better solution. But I also spend too little time on this forum to have noticed the described problem.