Coming back after 10+ years and had two questions

Coming back after a bit over ten years and have a two questions…

  1. There is no more clone insurance, correct? When you die you don’t lose any skill points, but do you spawn back at your home system or your closest jump clone? Is there any death penalty now besides the ship you were flying?

  2. I had a POS for research stored somewhere; is that useless in highsec now? I read somewhere that refining POS’s are useless in highsec and that CCP is really pushing for an end to high-sec POS’s in favor of citadels. I see that you can no longer war-dec highsec corps unless they have a structure up, I assume that includes both a POS or a citadel.

Any help/advice you can give me is greatly appreciated.

  1. Correct, you lose ship, implants and running combat booster drugs if podded and then wake up at the station you have marked as your ‘home station’. Usually Jita or your group’s HQ to reship.

  2. Research POS still work. And are miles better than Citadels, because Citadels plain suck for solo or smallgroup use. A POS makes you war eligible but basically no one will do it. I had a research POS running for 6 years just a few jumps from Jita and abosutely nobody cared. A citadel will you make war target within weeks.

Thanks, that really helps to clear some things up.

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