Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

If we are going by experience, then I have about 3 years in 0.0 combined. I essentially gave up on being in a sov alliance because, quite frankly, sov 0.0 contains the largest amount of whiners and crybabies I have ever experienced when compared to any other area in the game, as evidenced in this thread. That, and the BS politics, I have enought of that in real life.

This whole thing feels like another “chaos era” gimmick that will just inconvenience Null sec residents and then get removed after a while.

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So let me get this straight, to benefit the krabbers you choose to do no cloaking and yet you don’t help the people who promote PvP content by including no local? I forgot that CCP was directly influenced by null-sec spod brains and doesn’t care for the small-gang PvP in the game sorry.

If anything give a no local to one of the storm effects either that or make the no cloaking storm also include no local.

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Then you can’t be a one trick pony. I fail to see the issue with that.

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Ok, so you actually have ZERO experience in nullsec.

Yeah, and I know a friend who’s played League of Legends for 10 years and he’s still in Bronze because he never actually took the time to learn. Same as you. Just spending time in a certain security system doesn’t magically bestow upon you any knowledge or understanding.

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Cant these storms have some teeth against the sov they are traveling over, maybe disrupt industrial or regular cynos and jump bridges and cyno gens in the in the core systems, and then reinforce all structures in the central system to the first timer. have these storms cause some damage as they move. it is something people will have a few days warning so they can do their logistics early.

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And yet it still looks as if I had more experience than most of the 0.0 folks here…

Also it’s 3 years of actually being in a 0.0 alliance, not just being in 0.0 in general btw.

Any yet it still looks like you’re just talking out your ass since you got called out on your bs…

This update looks awesome. anything that will kick Nullbears out of their caves is great for the game.

Use Expedition Frigates. (facepalm)

If everyone would always be able to give a proportional response to any incomming challenge then a game would die after a week since 1 - 1 is 0.

Sure, mitigating to a certain degree is possible but there is always a possibility for such storm suddenly turning into advantage for one of groups.


My bs? Okay, let’s go over the facts:

  1. A system gets introduced, which adds predictable, highlighted and easily visible new danger mechanics with proportionally balanced rewards (ore sites, relic sites, no cloaking so krabs can krab in peace) into 0.0 systems.

  2. A portion of 0.0 residents charge into this post, whining and screaming about how this predictable, highlighted and easily visible danger poses a massive threat to them and assault CCP because “Dey take our 24/7 afk farm away!!!”


So…what happens when 2 (or more) different storms meet/cross through a single system?
Will this be possible?

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I am biased I wont argue that. but I think its fair to say taking away cloaking is taking away an entire line of ships main advantage. rolling blackout only hurts people too stupid to notice and too stupid to play without the OP info tool of Local.

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Check my killboard, smartass

My opinion on the matter is that while I do think it will be pretty neat so see these graphical effects, with some rule changes effecting things like cloaking, spawns, and such, and I’m ok with minor variables changing to throw a little excitement into the sandbox - A lot of the effects seem really strong and I’m not really interested in major stat changes coming from these like you see in wormholes.

How soon till …

or will you be providing us with a Meteorological map for safe(r) navigation ?

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Yes, your bs, lmao.

If you even lived in nullsec, you’d realize that the people complaining about this change on the official forums do not represent the staple nullsec player. They’re all discussing this issue on their alliance’s internal forums and corporation chat channels. (You would know this if you actually had experience living in a nullsec alliance like you claim).

The mere fact that you’d look here and assume you’re better is more than enough to show that you have no idea what you’re talking about. Thanks for making your incompetence even more apparent.

I love the chaos of this. It adds additional elements to strategize around. Instead of implementing the same strategies or fits over and over, players will have to consider the weather variable and the most resourceful players that adjust intelligently will win.

Such considerations simulate real world war (snow storms, rain, heat, etc.). All of these can have devastating effects and turn the tide of the war.

Great job, CCP! Haters will always hate. lol.


Taking away local is taking away the only thing that actually warns you about cloaky campers presence, still it does not make in undetectable.

I´d say that the only people who are hemorrhaging every time someone mentions “do something with cloaks” are those who can not play without rather great advantages of being invulnerable and undetectable while cloaked plus being able to sneak onto target and gank it with minimal chanses for retaliation.

You also kinda forgot that blackout affected hundreds of systems, while storms with no cloak will affect, what, 5-10 systems?