Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

After 14 full years playing and see all those changes, you’re making nullsec awfully unplayable. You’re destroying the game. Let’s see how many unsubs this will cause.


You may not be the weathergirl we need, but you could be the one we deserve.


Eve players: Triglavians turn high sec to nullsec and disrupt high sec Care Bears this is amazing great job CCP

Eve players: Triglavians cause minor occasional disruption to nullsec care bears OMG YOU BROKE EVERYTHING CCP HOW COULD YOU?


Just checked for curiosity…

Hisec char, no kills, carebear… Maybe you should give advice in other area, dude


Lol wasn’t tagging you mate!

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Spotted that and deleted :grin:

That’s what I’m saying.

One effect removes cloaks and thus makes an intel networks stronger. And the other effect is also negate-able by intel. i.e.: it makes being in a big alliance even more desirable.

There’s nothing happening in Fountain.


I’m a nullsec player shedding tears of joy! This is AWESOME! Nice shakeup with random positive and negative effects. Love it!!! :sparkling_heart:

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I suggested rolling blackout.


That will be awesome for Bomber fleets, Blackops, t3 cloaky roams… But wait… They aren’t used in nullsec…

:shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face: :shushing_face:

I don’t see anybody seeking these effects out (except maybe the mining one). They’ll just be things that will impact fights in those systems while they’re there. They may influence doctrine selection, whether you bring logi or DPS, whether you fight at all, if you can bring in cynos, and tactics within fights. A gate camp in a system with the bonus to web/point range is going to be extra fun.

It’s something disruptive that makes people have to adjust on the fly.


You do realize that those effects will work only for like 1 constellation at a time?

That doesn’t change my arguments value. There will be at least four reminders floating around nullsec that scream “why are you not in the intel channel”

Gotta leave the game to check the Trig invasion status of systems. Now I will have to leave the game to check the weather, too. :-1:


Minor Vics show on the route indicator and give you a warning, not comparable.

Do it, we need a weathergirl for this event. DOTLAN is messy enough already from the war

Oh really I am carebear? Guess my frequent excursions into sov 0.0 to look for anoms and sigs while locals try to catch me are nothing then? Or how about my efforts to get as many systems under Trig rule to effectively turn most of highsec into 0.0, that also makes me a carebear? Participating in PvP even if the odds are against me and I am almost certain to lose my ship also makes me a carebear?

Funny that this comes from a GSF nullbear who is used to farm 24/7 with capital umbrella on standby, screaming on forums on the first notion his safespace is going to be disrupted and his only PvP participation being F1 monkeying in blobs…

Yes it does change. Those effects have rather small area of effect and are super tomporary but people are complaining about those effects being

How can a temporary effect in one constellation (and only if it´s a popular ratting area) be an addition to the meta for all nullsec regions - i have no idea. But if we are gonna go this way let´s take a closer look at electric storm. No cloacking and rather great nert on EM resist. Who will suffer because of this nerf? Those who encounter npc with EM dmg, thus being areas currently being held by Test and Goons due to sanshas and blood raiders damage types. The rest of nullkrabs will have it much easier or will not be affected at all.
So once again: how exactly is it an another addition to the farms, fields and fortresses meta?

I mean… yeah. Having frequent excursions don’t really mean anything.

I go diving into wormholes to do some Relic sites. That does not make me knowledgeable about wormhole life.