Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

Discussing this on their internal comms does not prevent them discussing it on forums as well. And I never claimed that the people complaining here are the majority of 0.0.

And the fact I look here and assume I am better than the whiners? Well seeing as I do not make lengthy tear waterfalls about stuff I do not like, I do not assume I am better. I actually am better.

You know zero about me as you know zero about actual game mechanics and game workings. Thanks for making your total irrelevance even more apparent.

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This will be an interesting change for sure. Have you got a rough idea of how often you might shift up the weather effect variants?



They do the same with high sec too lol.


I love to blops it’s almost all I do and I would happily give up all cloaks if it got rid of local.

being able to track a character by following them in local is a much greater advantage than using a ship that can cloak

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You are getting only “he is in system” and nothing more. No great advantage there.

Btw, when we will be able to liberate fallen, Triglavian infested systems?

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Mostly i don’t care except and these may even create some variety.

However the Gamma one completely borking logi is a bitch as basically removes everyone’s fleet doctrines and capital doctrines.
Faxes become useless as do all logi - hence cap fights with the exception of dreadbombs are just not going to take place.
You may manage some random subcap shield doctrines based around cyclones, vagabonds and jaguars (the only real ships that fit this meta) but overall the remote rep thing will basically kill fleet fights across a rolling ‘Random’ area of null
Also if you have one in your region/vicinity you will probably have it for months. It moves one system every 48 hours so from say Fountain to Oasa it will realistically take a minimum of 250 days assuming it’s random generator manages a semi direct route. This will definitely badly affect the game in certain space for a long time.
It really needs to be changed.

Either replace the bork to logi effect completely perhaps switching it to its parallel wh effect and make it a nerf to local not remote reps to encourage not discourage team play.

And/Or make the storms last a particular amount of time say 8 days when they automatically ‘randomly’ jump a minimum of 50 stargate jumps, which would mean each area much more likely to get their ‘fair share’ of such weather and not be stuck with it for months.

Aslo so much for CCP listening to the CSM about not changing such stuff during a war (but we have heard so much of that and they have already changed Command ships so they really don’t care what CSM thinks)

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Hay give me storms all day long but can we get rid of that red dot this patch pls


You don’t seem to understand what cloaks, and the ships using them, actually do and are limited to do, or how to fly one of those things. The “advantages” and the limitations are the same for everyone, the choice to use one is individual. Hatred for cloaks is as old as the cloaks themselves, so some wet dreams are becoming reality now. Enjoy.

Now, as to the nature (no pun) of this plan,

  1. why does it feel like Summer of Chaos again, the “let’s screw with some very basic game mechanics and see what the effect is on logins ?”. People in EvE usually plan ahead to stand a chance of NOT losing their ships. Randomness is usually very unwelcome given the risks already present.
  2. Timing is way off, when one of the biggest wars ever is raging in the southwest and south. That’s the second time that doctrines are compromised, this time even in an unpredictable way.
  3. CSM ?!

Local is an instant source of free Intel that someone is in your system, and it’s abused by programs like NEAR, so people are docked before you even get close. There is NO reason to get caught ratting in the current meta and local is the main blame by a long shot. If you get caught you are a moron and deserve to lose your ship. Cloaking is a very weak counter to local and does not even really work. People like goons own how many systems and have how much Intel??? And they still can’t avoid a camper?


looks great, except increase tackle range is awful and drone tracking penalty won’t do anything

No effort, much too complicated, no worthy benefits to even bother. CCP can you please stop being cheap?


Pros… eh? I mean, no cloaky campers will be nice for all of two seconds.
Cons… we still don’t have our captains quarters back in the stations! How else are we going to sit on the couch and watch The Scope’s daily weather forecasts!?

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This adds a new area for the fitting art. More hard. Oh yay. But I guess one can follow these storms around for whatever new opportunities they present and become expert in yet another new thing.

Will we need umbrellas for these storms?

But most of these effects really more so help Nullsec against roamers really.

14-year nullsec EVE player here: this idea sounds like absolute cancer. You already have an area of gimmick space subject to random arbitrary rule-changes, why would you force this at random onto a population of players who just want to play a sandbox MMO against other players instead of spending their lives theorycrafting the world’s most niche PvE fittings. Just stop it with all this Triglavian nonsense and constantly adding new ship hulls and new gimmicks and fix your dumb sov system we’ve all been suffering through for what, a decade now? Why don’t you figure out what you want to do with caps and supers? Why don’t you work on redesigning anomalies to make your new nullsec economy work? There are a thousand legitimate problems you could be trying to solve in nullsec instead of wasting time finding ways to force Abyssal gameplay down everyone’s throats. If the choice is between leaving nullsec alone and making it worse, just leave it alone.


Oh i flew all types of cloaky ships and know exactly what they can do and what their pilots tend to do.

  1. Ask CCP.

  2. I´ve the same issue with this “weather” thingy.

  3. Ask CSM.

Try to calm down miner.

I’m alright with most of these bonuses/nerfs depending on how often they’re likely to be encountered.

But no cloaking would hurt players moving through places in capitals/blops, with no realistic options other than to stop for multiple days before progressing through to destination if they’re being hunted or there’s hostiles around.

Blopses are already in a fairly shitty place from a cost vs worth factor. I’m not saying cloaking shouldn’t be nerfed to an extent (by drawing cap for example). Permacamping is not engaging content, but using and/or moving covertly is a playstyle that takes a effort and precision to pull off without getting jebaited and doesn’t deserve yet another arrow to the knee.

Also 40/100% point/scram range? Not sure if links would apply on top of the bonus or not, but even if they don’t it means you’ll get insta-scramming ceptors with ~30 km range. And that’s with T2 and average links. Without links you are around 27 km for scram and 72 km for point range.

If anything it’s a huge nerf to small-gang who can no longer kite out in such systems because you are either at a safe distance and not applying or in application range and getting pointed/scrammed by everything. Couple it how overpowered linked abyssal/faction recons are, this will primarily be helpful for bigger entities who’ll take JB’s to get ahead of you and wait for you in the bonused system up the pipe to turbodunk.

90/50% remote rep nerf are also way too high numbers IMO… Blobs can more easily N+1, small/medium gangs cannot.