Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

For cloaky boys as well, or dont they watch local at all?

And i´m totaly against this ■■■■. Though iirc NEAR uses reports from intel channels which are posted by people - actual players activly doing things to achieve their goals. Unless we are talking about bots but a far as i suspect this type of bots is a rather rare thing and yet still should be eliminated entirely.

Although i´d prefer to hear CCP´s opinion about what is an abuse and what is not (can come up wuth a few exaples or massive login of cloaky campers that couldn´t have be done by hands, some software was required).

Realy? Check zkill once in a while.

Ok, now i´m utterly bewildered. Clocky camps is something some people wanted to get rid of for years… why? Because it doesn´t work?

And goons are permacamped and losing ratting ships to cyno drops every single day. Not sure what´s the point you are trying to make by pointing out number of systems and intel. Little did you know but sometimes i dont get intel - guess why? Because next systems are empty, or folks are afking or are simply lazy to report things. Great intel.

Pls tell me how exactly does one avoid a camper that sits in your system and waits?

Im play eve 2008. this weather are shiet, thats i think.


7-year nullsec EVE player here: this idea sounds like absolute brilliant

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Says a guy whose corp primarily flies destroyer hulls in lowsec. Easy for you to spout this crap about terrible game design when you don’t have to live with the consequences.

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The technology was there with Sansha incursions, so they could’ve added the effects then.

Probably about as often as they change the highsec incursions.

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You can see if it’s an invaded system (type not stated) by changing the map Colour By → NPC activity → Triglavian Invasion

I believe that CCP may have poached some of the big brain designers from fortnite

Pls tell me how exactly does one ever kill a ratter in today’s EVE without AFK cloaking?

If you get rid of cloaks you have to get rid of local, and we saw how good that was for the game…

There is a site listing all. With the state it is in. But its not CCP site but player. What site is it?

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I have been playing this game for two or so years now and I have only gone to null sec for about a week.
But read what your players are saying they don’t want this and if you still want to try this then hold of until after the war is over. Stop destroying the game we all love.
PS try like making votes or something to see what your players really want.

How? Idk, maybe by roaming (yes, cyno dropper can also roam), using wormholes, filaments, login traps?

No, you dont have to get rid of local, you know why? Because CCP once decided to remove local in entire nullsec without touching cloaks and campers rejoiced about how freaking dandy it is. And now, when CCP decided to remove cloaks from a super localized area for a short time - what reactions do i read in this thread? “CCP is removing cloaks covert ships are obsolete now oh my god”.

People keep talking about the war. Did that ever happen?


I like it!* :smiley:

Is it possible for multiple storm effects to overlap? And will we be able to see the current storm locations on the ingame map?

*my poor logi ships though… completely useless when entering a Gamma ray storm. :frowning:

I have used literally all of these techniques except filaments for fourteen years, none of it works against someone who’s paying attention. Furthermore with CCP’s heavyhanded nerfs to capitals, cynos, supercaps, and Rorquals / mining anomalies, there’s frankly very little worth even spending the time to hunt these days. Who wants to spend hours and risk expensive ships roaming around trying to kill Myrmidons?

The second you appear in local, bots and anyone who’s not a stoned Goon immediately warp out. It doesn’t matter if you come in through a gate, a cyno, a filament, or a WH: they’re just gone. On a good day, you might manage to land on grid in their anomaly just as their ship enters warp. Because of the way anomlies and EVE’s dumb-as-rocks ship meta works (everyone runs anoms in disposable, afterburning cruiser and Myrmidon hulls that orbit at large ranges), your odds of landing in tackle range of an anom ratter are almost zero (unless you’re an Arazu, in which case it’s a moot point because you take so long to warp there that, again, the target will be gone). A few years ago I even built a specialized VNI-hunting roaming Proteus fit (range-bonused long point, hyperspatial rigs to try and warp fast enough to be relevant, etc) and still spent most of my time landing in empty sites or landing in sites exactly as the ratter warps off.

Removing local doesn’t help either. I was there for the blackout-- by which I mean I literally unsubscribed when the blackout killed basically all nullsec content other than the occasional bomber-hotdrop on the bottom 1% IQers who were still out ratting in carriers. PCU tanked, a ton of people quit the game. My group was reduced to running a couple of bomber fleets a week because there was no other activity to mess with. Removing local kills the game even moreso than AFK cloaking: even if hotdroppers have a lot of fun for the first couple of weeks, in the long-term it isn’t good for anybody.


what conetent who actualy give some isk to the players ?
what is gona nerf? u gona nerf something i am sure

I basicly agree with all that.
Tbh i´m not for removing cloaks or/and local entirely (though i dont see anything wrong with it being one of storm effects since it´s localised and temporary) but rather apply some sort of possible restrictions that can make it challengeble but a possible goal to, let´s say, catch more krabs(i hate when they warp off whan i land on the site), or (following phrase may be considered a heresy but i´m brave enough today) to somehow in some way kill that camper.
Otherwise we can argue untill we are blue in the face about “omg they have intel alts everywhere i can not catch ■■■■” and “omg we are camped for an entire year is there a way to tackle this issue?”.

P.S. death to all bots.

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Some interesting discussions flying around. Do the affects apply to npcs, and if so are the npcs going to adapt as well. It would be interesting if npcs encountered in storm affected systems were optimized for the weather. Also wondering if the weather is going to affect local comms? Not total blackout but randomly intermittent as often happens with storms affecting radio.

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gama? u mean electrical? witch mean no more assholes alt with coverships camping a sistem for “CONTENT” IF THEY CALL THAT thing CONTENT