Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

Historically, CCP has released the most disruptive nullsec content in the middle of large scale nullsec conflict. So while you are right, so is he for pointing out the timing of it.

itā€™s called content if they livestream it on twitch :stuck_out_tongue: So no more spycams in 1DQ coz of bad weather ? So sad.

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All this increased risk, but no extra rewards. Adding additional sites just gives you more content and not necessarily better rewards.

You need to make storm systems spawn better asteroids, increase npc bounties, and give higher chances at faction spawns and loot. Thatā€™s the only way this ā€œnew contentā€ doesnā€™t become a joke.

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ima break this down for u then by ur responce
sry i did not have my friend spell and grammar check this one. cant be bothered. i suck at spelling and grammar. enjoy

  1. Local is FAR more valuble to the hunted then the hunter. all u have to do it warp out. we have to find u (which usually involves Dscan or Probes, both are very slow), land on grid and tackle you. which if u are even paying even the slightest attention is easy

  2. im glad ur against NEAR, but near is an offshoot of local and the power of local makes it INCREDIBLY powerful

  3. the people who get caught are morons. this game is full of morons. if u ever go hunting u will realize how unbalanced it is for the hunter. we hunt goons because a product of size is that there are more morons.

  4. im fine with cloaky camping being nerfed. IF they nerf local. its currently the only counter to local

  5. goons are far from perma-camped. plenty of un-camped systems. once again the people loosing ships are morons or not paying attentionā€¦or broken bots

  6. use one of the many OP jump bridges u have. learn to safely move ships. its not hard once u know what to do

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Quelle idƩe de merde putain.

Well then, what about a compromise, a random decloaking pulse from the storm instead of no cloak at all, keeps everyone on their toes and still allows people to use their cloaky ships. Any cloaky pilot can tell you how annoying and dangerous sudden exposure is.

Itā€™s amazing what you can do if you log in right after DT and actually get an idea of the cloaky bastardā€™s location when he logs in. Or you set up a trap.

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The answer is faster horses.

There is a reason players arenā€™t generally enabled to design their own gameplay.


Yet Goonswarm is.

have you ever tried to hunt in null? I jump into system with my hunter and initial dscan shows ships with drones out, first combat probe pass with 8au probes finds ships but usually no drones, second combat probe I get a hit on the ship but drones are already in I warp to the ship and it is already off and tethered to a structure. this is done system after system and it is amazing to see how coordinated people are that all the ishtars and gilas land at the same structure at about the same time, every time. carriers are even worse where I can scan them with one 16au pass but are already warping before I can land on them.

I give you an open invitation to join one of my fleets and hunt to show me how easy it is catch people.

and a bit of advice on how to counter cloakie hunters, have a fleet to counter them. aids free jump bridges to move your counter fleets around with


Do these storms also affect NPCā€™s?

Also, for the cloaking. All of these storms should have an impact on cloaking, whether it simply be no cloaking at all, or limiting cloaks.

Imo, Cloaks should require a fuel anyway, but storms can be another gameplay mechanic that can reduce the usage.

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  1. You are describing a roaming dropper, and iĀ“m wrighting about cloaky campers, who are sitting in one system for as long as they please and eventually deleting things they spot. They dont care about targets warping out: system is their home now, unless something happens.

  2. Once again: iĀ“d refer to CCP for their opinion on that and tbh iĀ“m not sure that NEAR is such a big issue, kinda getting a feeling that this one is equal to ā€œsometimes dogs are attacking humas, slaughter every single one and ban them on the continentā€. This one is open for speculations since neither you nor me have any numbers.

  3. And you want to kill at least one krab upon appearing in the system? ā€œWhere is my kill? I clearly entered the system!ā€. Tbh: check dotlan and gaze at all those krabs who are krabbing themselves into oblivion from Deklein to Cobalt Edge.

  4. Cloaky camping didnt decrease during blackout, seems like this is another issue that attackers are pushing as a ā€œcounter for localā€.

  5. Far? Realy? Should i talk about Olmeca camping Delve non-stop for an entire year? Or about current situation when uncamped systems are trafficed corridors where you will spot a hostile like every 2 minutes. Som of other systems have 2 (TWO) campers per system.

  6. ItĀ“s not about moving ships, itĀ“s about activity within one system.

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For this to be effective, please consider removing (or increasing) the warp deceleration speed cap, as ships that warp this fast will still be artificially capped.



IĀ“m all for balancing stuff while considering options and interests of both parties. If only i would read something about compromise during blackoutā€¦

Truly amazing, but only if:
a) you are logging in before him,
b) you have probes or being astronomicly lucky with d-scan (him sitting at 0 at a sun and not moving at all),
c) he will not cloak before you find him, which is a rather possible outcome, and
d) if he logs in like within 5 mins after dt, and not like 5 hours.

Hell yeah, i know what you are talking about. I understand the frustration but i dont believe that things should die just because iĀ“ve entered the system. Cases of entire regions packed with 24/7 alert gilas and ishtars are consedered by me rather being bots but if even CCP canĀ“t get rid of themā€¦

IĀ“ve been on those fleets, and the thing that we were trying to save should have ehp of a pre-nerfed supercarrier, and even then we would only chase away droppers EVEN if we almost instantly bridged to the target. Balance between their commitment/our chanses to kill them was (and still is) by far on their side.

And yet, the ramjag still exists.

Nice brand new tech.

Can we maybe iterate on ship balance please, in a timely, consistent fashion?

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Imagine every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light.

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I agree, itā€™s not ā€œeasyā€ or fast and the circumstances have to be right. We did it on several occasions with permacampers. Takes patience.

The thing that puzzles me in that part of the discussion is that w-space has this situation permanently. Yet they do all activities, so there are approaches to the challenge. And do you believe last yearā€™s blackout is coming back ? I donā€™t think so, it was too costly :smiley:

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Wormholers care about more than easy money.

You can self-isolate by rolling all wormholes and anchoring 20 large t2 bubbles on frigsize wh:s. There you go, you are ready to krab yourself into oblivion with the level of security that even some highsec systems can not provide. And no one can cyno drop you in wh i.e. can not create a wh right in your face.

If we remove cynos from null, delete stargates with jump bridges and make null system connections work on a wormhole-like pattern - then iĀ“m ready to say ā€œbye bye localā€. Otherwise we are comparing a tank with a jet plane and are surprised by tanks inability to fly.


Awwwwwww you nullsec bots will have to dock up till the storm passes.

You have my condolences and prayers in this time of despair.

ur not getting it. ur making assumptions that dont exis. im done arguing with u. come do blops with us and hunt. u will understand

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