Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

Ah, good old “u wont get it”.
I´ve been in blops fleets, i´ve dropped on someone and have been dropped by someone, i´ve seen situation from both perspectives.

sure dude wtver u say.

I think this idea is good, it will encourage varying gameplay. Bring new doctrines.
People complain about null being boring and stale, here’s a good wildcard.

Whats the point of more relic sites? Unless its new stuff being dropped, having more sites just lowers the value of the sites that you have, as the stuff that you collect is not as rare as it used to be. And relic sites are already common enough.

Gamma storm
f logi because who cares about fleet fights in null sec of all places?
Use Kiki duh

Electrical Storm
firering my lazor

Plasma Storm
AB torp bomber bonanza

Exotic Storm
didn’t want that cap annyways

How about you people learn to ballance your game propperly in the first place before making an even biger mess?
And leave this sort of nonsense to highsec instead of messing up nullsec gameplay…



Saanguinee, I have blopsed and hunted with you. And while i dont agree with all of his points, he does have some goods ones about not expecting a kill in every system that you enter. And delve is unique in that it is by far the most compressed region in the game, with more players stuffed in the region than is the norm for the rest of null. Legacy for example as approx the same number of people as goonswarm, but is spread out over far more space. I honestly think that many of the problems surrounding nullsec as a whole could be solved by shrink null. Frankly, there is too much space for the player number we have. cut 6 or 8 regions of null out, and all of a sudden the universe is a very different place. people are more squished together, which increases content. the perfect example of this is in fact delve. Delve by every metric has the most people settled in a region . And as a result, like goons or hate them, (and I freely admit that I am on the side of goons as a member of INIT.) you are were before this major war started far more likely to have content roaming into goon space than any other null region. again, simple due to the sheer number of people in the space. its just so much more busy. can you say the same about the home region of ANY other single coalition?

It seems that the players in null sec are playing the game for ourselves… we don’t need CCP sticking the nose into it… as state these storms are design to cause goons the most difficulty because we have decided not to spread out all over the place… first it was changing the mining atoms… most impact to goons… then change the moons… most impact to goons… then try and get rid of local… that really help goons so we stopped that… now these stupid storms… cover high sec with your story line ■■■■ and abysmal crap along with your triglavian invasions and let null sec to the players that want to play against players and not your stupid interference all the time…

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Outstanding! Love this.

Can we have a flare up every now and then that affects all regions?

good to hear from ya Arnold. and i NEVER said i want a kill every system. that would be bad. local is a major problem that needs fixing. but it also has to do with risk v reward. right now anoms are not worth risking bling ships in for the most part. there needs to be more reward for running like a rattle as opposed to AFKing a Ishtar. I don’t want a kill every system. but i don’t want ships to be docked up on the first tick I enter systems or 3 systems b4 hand.

it was all haha and too bad for you when CCP nerfed the crap out of the high-sec miners, now they are getting a taste of the same crap and look at the tears fall. I think it’s good to make everyone mad equally. Keep up the good work

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Funny How every terrible thing that has ever happened to Eve is announced by Fozzie. CCP -2020 We will not interfere in null sec wars… 100 Bill says the 1st storm is in 1DQ

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Let it be electrical then, hehe

It’s almost like Fozzie is the community Dev and responsible for making all the announcements or something…

from what I’ve seen, being away from the game for 10 years and now being back for a little under 6 months, is ccp makes it harder and almost to take small breaks from the game. nerf this buff that. screw this up and try to fix it just like every other government trying to squeeze more and more money out of the same stone. I pay money for 3 accounts, not in game money, real money and i have to be logged in at least 4 hours a day. before i could rat a replace the ships i lost on the weekends through the week. now i have 2 characters mining and trading and supplement with selling plex…really. well the supplementation feeds my ship collection, not that i can fly most of them properly. they just collect dust514… anyway stop nerfing. if you want to fix anything set some things back…add content don’t change ■■■■ just to try to draw people in the player made wars and recruitment brings people to this game not you ccp… Finnish your promises…people left because you dropped the ball on a lot…walking in stations…virtual command centers with live planning and ship placement… and the stupid kill board registering pve kills and pods have value i know that’s not ccp but still…really. sure pods should have mining value but drops or worth on the kill board they cant even target… stop making changes for making changes sake…don’t listen to the whiners…or the guys that just want to hold power…game content is the key…adventure for some…lets find home and it be in complete chaos all pve content, form fleets and try to save earth from some enemy…like you do with incursions and the trigs…im not saying this is the route just an idea spawn…
look we all know the jove are making moves what are they looking for the cure…or power and control again…

why does this remind me of the Colonel in the movie Glory?

I welcome this change and cant wait to see the cry babies dock up because of a storm. God forbid the game isnt 100% predictable and you might have to actually think about what you do.

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Lol the salt is real… and its only passive effects. be thankful CCP didnt just unleash the full fury of triglav invasion on you, spawning trigs all over null to kill all your structures haha, should get your standings in order so you dont get blap’d by Our savior Zorya triglove :slight_smile: The invasion is coming…

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Spawning extra Rogue Drone combat sites

I’m not sure if anyone will bother running these. Depending on which Rogue Drone combat sites spawn (also, “extra”?) they may not even be worth the effort for the paltry rewards.

Will definitely be worth blitzing, especially given how much easier it’ll be to probe these down with the +50% Probe Strength bonus and the Virus Coherence.

Would like to know if the “extra” sites means that these are additional spawns on top of the set number within the system/constellation/region/etc. or if they’ll pull additional Relic site spawns from the standard pool.

Again, we need more information. If these are the current Emerging Conduits, I don’t see why anyone would waste their time with them out in nullsec, especially given that you can make a more consistent and lower effort return by just using standard combat anomalies.

Will withhold my ultimate judgment on these until we get more specific information.

Yet again, more vague stuff. What’s the quality of these ore anomalies? Will they include unique ore anomalies, or will they just be the same 5 levels that we get already with the Ihub upgrades? Will they also share the same upgrade level (i.e. the “extra” anomalies can spawn Colossals and Enormous level anoms as well?).

Looking forward to learning more about it, but I doubt CCP knows what they’re doing and will have these set to appear so infrequently that it’ll be mostly ignored by the majority of nullsec players.

love it

I´d love to actually have SOMETHING to mine before this exotic matter storm thing. I hope that spawned ore anomalies are bigger than the actual ones, cause if not the only effect will be that you finish it in 3 minutes instead of 4.