Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

Here is my attempt at making it more legible using spreadsheets

Edit: Updated upto August 19th changes


Are explorers going to get a warning if the wormhole to null they want to jump as the “anti-cloak gank happy” weather effect going on?

Or is this just gonna be your typical “tee hee, I heard you lost all your stuff!” type of attitude? Exploration vessels have paper tank as it is. The only thing they got going for them is the cloak. Take that away and they basically have nothing. This seems really unfair unless there’s going to be some sort of warning in the wormhole description. EVE has always been pvp happy, it has always had mechanisms to truly screw someone over. But, like Dark Souls, it has always had a way to prevent such things from happening or has mechanics to mitigate excessive loss.

Having systems “at random” just deny the ability to covops cloak just means "small nullsec alliance gangs play ‘wack-a-mole’ with exploration vessels if they come through their system holes.


This will be made or break on the kind of sites that are spawned.

If they drop something interesting and valuable, this feature will thrive.

If it just drops some ISKs or nothing valuable people will only see them as annoyances and it will be content killing.

Well that’s exploration, you’re not supposed to know where you’re going.

Surprise buttsex is a part of exploration I guess ?

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Well, of course it had to be the brain child of Fozzie … Glad I have other games to play during the storms, like I did during Blackout.

Fozzie - you are a (deleted) Force of Nature!

That is so far from the truth it actually hurts.
Wormholes give you every little bit of information of what you are jumping into, from security status, to age of the portal, basically everything. You can even tell if you’re running into a gank hole because of the stats from the info pannel.

If this has virtually no warning then they’ve effectively killed off nullsec exploration unless you’re part of the ‘group’ that’s in it. EVE doesn’t need anymore of this kind of crap it has enough of it as it is.


No, they don’t tell you the system you are going in.

I tell you in exploration you are not SUPPOSED TO . I’m not telling it’s the case right now.

Stop the fallacious arguments. I don’t even read the following arguments, which may actually be interesting, because I already read two nonsensical ideas and that’s already too much energy spent explaining how your argument is stupid.

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The WH info does not show if the WH on the other side has a WH effect. You only know that when you jump.

Well thanks CCP for killing exploration.

I’ll see ya in a few months when this ■■■■ blows over.
Sounds like you legit haven’t explored once in the entirety of playing EVE. You get all the important information just not the system’s name. If they introduce an anti-cloak mechanic and have no way of seeing so until you jump across it breaks the fundamentals of their own game.


This is the product of a company, that has stated that there will be different content released every x amount of months. This will just be an anoying temp effect on certain systems, not affecting anything. This is just a silly, not thought through and a sup standard patch, deployed be a department, that have to deploy patches, whatever the cost. Really not impressed

You’re the one who came off as aggressive to me for no reason. Get some chocolate milk and chill out.

System name is completely irrelevant to exploration. All you need to know is security status, how old the hole is, and how stable it is. If you’re porting back through stargates to get back home you must have done something wrong. (like didnt’ save wormhole locations)

It is not a false premise. At all.
Exploration ships are weak, very weak, almost laughably so. This is because they can fit covops (the good ones at least). They have to give up three mid slots just to fit all the required modules after all. The only thing they actually have going for them IS the covops cloak. Remove that and they can be pointed and popped in a few seconds by any camp.

If the devs wanna add weather anomalies that remove the ability to cloak but provide a “virus bonus” all the while not giving information about it (as wormhole info panel has incredibly valuable information about the jump) then it basically breaks the fundamentals of their own game. They are not giving an option anymore, they are pulling a blind over players eyes. This is not how the EVE I know works. The EVE I know works like a Souls game, “go here and risk more for valuable loot?” >yes >no. There isn’t any player agency or choice when it is some randomly generated event that knocks out a fundamental of one’s ability to survive. A player isn’t CHOOSING to enter based off of full and proper information they would have received otherwise.

That’s why it sucks.

You’d know this if you weren’t a shitty forum troll.


You could have just moved to WH space if you like random positive/negative effects, btw…

I don’t personally care much about this update, but I hear people ■■■■■ all the time when WH is made more like LS or NS and NS is made more like LS or WH. ofc, those same peops just love it when HS is made more like LS, NS, or WH, as in trig invasion phase 3.

So the reaction of some is pretty interesting here.


CCP messed it up, fixed it.

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Hey, Wow. This sounds like the long awaited update, NOBODY EVER ASKED FOR. Although it does not really affect me, i don’t get what you, @Developers want to achieve with that.
I understand the desire of putting in new content and wanting it to be played, but if players just choose not to, consider it a democratic choice, please.
There is no need to roll your fancy abyssal effects all over New Eden, in this case NullSec.

Lorewise it’s, excuse my french, ■■■■■■■■. Storm through gates lightyears away? WHAT?

If you want to hurt NullSec players for whatever reason give True Sansha the opportunity to permanently take over systems like Trigs. Why would they do Incursions and then just go back home after a while? Why would Trigs start invading High and LowSec, if they can easily snatch NS?
Please always ask yourself how much fun per hour your new content adds to the game. There are more importants things to be worked on, than pushing some Nullbears into leaving the game (for a while), imho.

Rework the missioning system, the standing system, the modules want to be finished, further enhance NPE, make the lore more present for more immersion, rewrite your core game to improve game performance and remove crash causes…

Thank you for your time.


Can’t wait for the umbrellas in the cash shop.

Just in time for the delve invasion, CCP gotta collude with goons gotta have that home field advantage.

If you think I’m being serious, you need a word with yourself.

It gives a home field advantage, to sovereignty holders. Diversifies the current ship meta, adds some flavour to 0.0.

It’s good. But it’s gonna be an arse to balance.


It’s a common notion : macro weathers that have an effect not only at the scale of a solar system, but also at the scale of the galaxy.

Though I agree that using gates to limit the effect is kinda strange. Centering the storm on a point in space, and limiting it based on the distance in LY to that space, seems more rational to me.

Because raids and invasions are two different things.
You actually don’t want to destroy your target in a raid. You want to take from it, and make it still alive to get more later on.
cf Irak .

I just wished this was possible in the game. System-level riches, that are acquired whenever someone farms in the system and redistributed later on, and can be subject to partial piracy.

You farm in the system ? You only get 50% of the reward, you need to be present and defend again in 4H to get 25% , and tomorrow+4H to get 25 remaining %.

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hmmm, once again the developers are playing favorites… like the T2 blueprint lotto going to BOB, always siding with who their toons are with… what do the goons say?

Not sure what goons have to do this this.

To be fair, CCP Fozzie may only be the designated communicator of the team, like he was for the (in)famous sov changes still bearing his name from 5 years ago, not the actual source of the “fuzzie” logic behind this stormy plan.