Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

so are the storms locations going to be viewable on the map ?? Ideally you don’t want to be jumping into a system in a cloaky ship when the no cloak penalty is active… I can understand the counter to cloaky campers but if you are travalling a-b you want to know what you are jumping into.

I liike the idea of a random pulse…cloak may work but then system wide disruption to decloak things

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I did some polling and people didnt want Hypernet. CCP doesnt care what players want. 💁‍♀️ 𝐇𝐲𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐍𝐞𝐭 (𝐏𝐨𝐥𝐥), 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞


Maybe some player will make an Internet site. Like with these invasion systems.

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Maybe so, but it seems like ever since Soundwave quit and Fozzie basically replaced him, game design has just dropped the ball over and over and over and over and over again. The sov system was a colossal screw up that everyone hates. They can’t decide what they want to do with caps and supers. They keep endlessly spamming new ships into the game without pausing to contemplate why nobody flies anything between cruiser hulls and capital ships. Look at their idea of balancing nullsec resources, where we’ve flip-flopped from RORQUAL MADNESS (their idea to re-imagine the Rorq) to “we literally had to remove all the trit from nullsec because we screwed up so badly for however many years it was.” Every year we see ten new gimmicks designed to “spice things up” thrown over the same, endless screwed up core mechanics and ship meta. It’s dumb and it persists for decades and somebody has to end up taking the heat.


Mike We need to See the dress First and then We will decide if we want it or not.

Its also possible someone might come up with a brilliant idea so that there is a place for people to report what and where effects and storms are for others to read. As a matter of fact if a corp or alliance set up one they could actually get a step up from just random people wandering through their systems. They could possibly use a dedicated chat Channel and name it something descriptive. I see much possibility here.

Think of it like electrical charge. It tries to go to ground (or attracted/repelled by another charge in space) it will take the path of least resistance. if u could visualize it then a solar system wound glow as the charge tries to equally reach everywhere else, but when a gate activates there is a short circuit to a nearby solar system (a path of less resistance) which the storm follows.

Which brings up a really cool possibility. IF it moves based on gate use AND the more it is used the faster - or more likely - it is to move; This would allow players (the more the merrier) to actually AIM the system at other solar systems or to quickly get it to move away from their own area. Or even to split it into one or join two into one bigger storm. mmmm … Hey Fozzie !?

How to increase PvP the CCP way:
Make the stuff that gets destroyed harder to replace!

I’m a new player and this idea is far more interesting to me than all the “proving grounds“ stuff that’s been happening lately. I sell all those filaments they’ve been giving out as soon as I get them, absolutely zero interest in that aspect of the game but I’m keen to see how I can take advantage of these storm effects. I like the semi randomness of them, can definitely see myself chasing some storms. Apparently there’s a war going on? :man_shrugging: I guess this will drag me out of my wormholes to see what all the fuss is about.

CCP I am having very mixed feeling in what you have done here, but

Thanks for adding BRITISH WEATHER to eve lol.

I am both crying and laughing at the same time.


They could possibly use a dedicated chat Channel and name it something descriptive.

Weathered Triglavians Forecast.


Feedback questions @CCP_Fozzie

  • The eye of the storm is the calmest. Suggest removing effects from central star of system- What do you think?

Future effects proposal :

  • all storms affects Upwell structures (stations, beacons, etc.,.) ? Offer ways for players to (temporarily) fortify structures against them , or weaken structures against the storms.
    – Upwell Storm shelters (1 day life, defensive deployable structure)
    – Upwell storm amplifiers (1 day life, offensive deployable structure)
    – visual weather corrosion effects - spawn mineable / salvageable debrief fields near structure.

  • All storms work on non player ships, drones , fighters and deployables.

  • All storms work on player outpost structures (POS) , including POS turrets.

  • Storms with bonuses to Trig weapons and ships; Edencom weapons / ships .

  • Storm to storm interaction mechanics : when two storms meet, +chance to create super storms with higher intensity, or cancel each other. Allow one storm to “devour” another storm for greater intensity.

  • Wind shear effects : Constant gravitational acceleration on all ships , such that all ships get pushed in the same direction. A fleet orbiting a target now form an elliptical shape instead of an orb.

  • AFTER effects : one time spawn of broken moons / asteroids, a SINGLE, ENORMOUS piece of space rock to mine; a single incapacitated Trig dreadnought to hack/salvage with a chance for reactivation.

  • Pandemic effects : chance for players to carry an effect onto other players during interaction within 6km distance, after they leave the storm. Additional chance for symtomp to be visible invisible. Additional chance to emit damaging gas clouds like mercoxit toxic gas. Resistance granted by participation in project discovery.


I like the base idea, but these effects are too big. Both the % and the non-number effects as well. You guys always change stuff this way. Creating an insane effect or doing an immense buff just to nerf it into the ground over the following x years. This will be a nightmare to balance.

Who said anything about balancing it?


Not CCP.

I’m sure you will find answers to all of this when you go out and experience it in the game. Or are you the type of player who wants a walkthrough to hold your hand all the time?

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Indeed why balance something that was nit asked for in the first place ? ^^

And why ask the player base their opinion, since they did not ask for it ?

(I’m not saying this is bad. I’m saying CCP does not care about whines on the forum. You are free to complain, and they are free to ignore you)

@CCP_Fozzie Fantastic thanks ! :smiley: I have not been playing eve seriously for about a year now but with these changes I’m feeling super excited to come back and play thanks for breaking up the safety of nullsec.

I love that the storm moves semi predictable with some variance allows some time for planning and its a great solution to breaking up static meta’s as well now that we have to factor in environmental effects into our fleet composition.

Great for solo small gang roaming and great for the smart nullsec farmer to abuse system effects to increase their isk/h, great in general to anyone that has the ability to think for themselves :].

One question thou do these system effects, effect NPC’s as well or just players, especially the - resistance.

More complexity to an already very, very complex game.
It’s fine with me - just need to check the weather report and make the appropriate adjustments the alliance big-brains have deduced - but I suspect for others it will add another layer of frustration that thwarts their enjoyment of a large section of the game.
As for messing with a player war - nah. The large alliances - the Imperium especially - guide CCP in where to focus their efforts. Cloaky camping is a fine example. Push the gaming envelope to illustrate the broken mechanic and, slowly, Fozzie turns his attention to it. Took a while. But we all suffer middle age spread and attentionspan atrophy. If only he’d look at FozzieSov next.

I like your idea of a new Stormchaser profession in the game from this. You’re right, that would be cool.


Trig invasion and incusrion stuff is in the in agency so if its gettign added into there then great… Dont want to go out hunting and not know the weather in a hostile area where i want to hunt :slight_smile: