Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

annoying red dots, event notifications, new unused SP notifications… and now another garbage from CCP. thanks, we are so glad to see another useless content which no one needs.

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except if that was the case we would have had something from him in the past 5 months

What are you referring to?

Does it mean that a storm may pop up in a system at any second?

If there isn’t a Stormchaser profession born out of it then it is a wasted feature.


Straight from the mouth of the Council of Stellar Management.

No, no. Straight from the mouth of Brisc, who happens to be on the CSM.


Chaos era.

Whip out your :credit_card:


Perhaps the storms are meant to help clean up all the structure spam in Delve and Fountain. The storm will take long enough to pass through that any opposing force could grind through all the timers before it passed on. Seems consistent with CCP’s current mood.

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This sh*t is crazy LOL, anyway, at least CCP is already taking action against cloaky camper mechanics, that’s good. o7

Instead of a knee jerk reaction, a player posts a comment saying they’ll withhold judgment of the new update until they learn more.

You respond with:

Does it make you feel better for having said that?

So I hear rumors of a coming feature where a player can “purchase” an umbrella like device in the store that can make their character immune to the effects of these storms - let’s call it a Tin Foil Hat (?)

And make that player immune to all Fozziejunk. :slight_smile:

I’ve got 500 plex for that …


Not sure if this has already been shared in this thread. It’s an interview with Hilmar Pétursson in from January 2020. He addresses space weather concept in one of the questions and I find his answer quite intriguing.

We saw some really cool mock ups at the Vegas keynote of potential world-changing events like a moon that’s going to explode, or the space weather concept. How would these events fit into that long-term plan?

[Hilmar Pétursson]: Weather is a very good archetype of what it should be, like weather in nature. We as humans are obviously engineered to respond to that kind of chaotic pattern which is still relatable, like you know when the rain is coming. Also there are seasons, which is going into the Quadrant concept.

It’s less about seasons in the way that games have seasons and more about seasons like you have on Earth. It has a certain rhythm to it so that you know what to expect. You know it’s going to be warmer in the summer, and you know it’s going to be colder in the winter. You don’t know all the details, but you generally know the shape of it.

By breaking up the year into four parts, that allows us to create this kind of ebb and flow where people know something new is coming, it’s going to go on for that period of time, and then it’s going to fade away.

I hope his answer contributes more context in this thread and to this new feature coming to EVE Online.


Added Effects:


So when you do wrong thing i go to forum and reddit and other channel to said you make bad thing.
When you make good thing … i need to do the same i guess no ?

Just could you implement that at region level not only constellation level. I mean, you want war for territory ? Make each region different.

Just 2 thing i see could be a problem (or maybe you want it):

  • Nerf of remort repair could advantage a lot defender due to thetered mechanic.
    -Weapon dammage is a huge buff doomsday (to huge ?) who make armor super a lot more interesting than shield. (but nice buff for smarbomb).


P.S: take care when you release it, you could be accuse of war manipulation, maybe maybe try to wait the war is over or near (or after a big huge battle) to release it.

Not rly since you have to untether to do something against enemy + sig radius and shield hp bonuses are helping the attackers.

Like why? Today armor supers are less tanky than shield.

And you could tethered after 1 min, you’re ennemy can’t. Huge buff for defender.

Yes but not 50 %.

Aha, then you have to wait untill repair is done. Also thx for ignoring following part:



Shield bonus and sig radius help the twice