Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

There we go: something is helping defenders, something is helping attackers.

This change basically will mean that if you live in null there can be time period of 24-48h when you simply want to logoff because if the effect is ā– ā– ā– ā– . We donā€™t need such in EVE. If you want to bring such effects the periods of these storms need to be longer to make the game stable. In wormholes the effects work because you know that pulsar will forever buff your shield and you can form doctorines etc on it. If your system storm shifts every 1-3 days you will have to have load of skills or characters and own much more equipment than you used to do. And even then if the effect is ā– ā– ā– ā–  you simply want logoff.

I am not a null player but I feel that all effects (excluding filament storm) buff effects are purely lame and balance breaking. I understand why such features are considered but for null I rather would see different type of ā€˜stormā€™ effect that would last 1-6month and would trastically buff income or resources of the sector. Which would actually put some fuel in null wars since corps and alliances would fight for the plunder.

I donā€™t play ā€˜bad or good diceā€™ today game. Please consider if you REALLY want to take EVE this road.

I donā€™t live in nullā€¦but do you really want to destroy this game? Make EVE punishing and hostile game and unpopulate all server nodes? Wellā€¦you are on the good route to do thatā€¦

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What comes to ā€˜no cloakingā€™ I have been part of many null pvp fleets and I simply dont understand all the joy about this. Since null people run to citadels and stations as soon as they see anyone in local chat. For gankers cloak is not viable option for sneak because of local. But sure it will ā– ā– ā– ā–  up blockade runners and other type of exploring. And therefor giving new opportunities to gate campers.


These changes are absolutely ridiculous and stupid. Seeing how CCP loves to do the most brain dead things Iā€™m sure they will give ZERO sh1ts that the player base doesnā€™t care for this half a$$ed ā€œcontentā€ CCP is so out of touch with the players its amazing the game is even still here.


Maybe, just maybe, it has something to do with those fellas who place a cyno alt in your system and it is sitting there literally for months, ocasionally dropping targets, trying to pick a moment when retaliation will not come.

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Wormholers will often times set their holes to critical mass by utilizing microwarp drives on hull heavy battleships and go through the portals again and again until their destabilizing.
Itā€™s a way to trap unaware explorers and more.

Itā€™s designed solely to screw over exploration as if there wasnā€™t enough risk already with the profession.

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Could this be a strategy to push long time vets out of the game and bring in fresh people? or maybe is a shot at lowering the income capabilities of their chinese overlords.

EVE designed to be punishing and hostile game
Why this make you so surprised?

Things that are hardly punishable or hostile, things that are hard to counter or that are simply out of ballance.

No, I didnā€™t bother to read it all. Why would I? All I keep seeing is CCP tossing out different ideas without really knowing what the consequences might be while ā€œtryingā€ to ā€œfixā€ the game.

You want a better game? I see as simply expand the NPE to cover more pain than it does (in short) and get rid of TDI.

Big battles draw in players, not the yawning fest the age of chaos seems to bring?

But we have big battles now. Didnā€™t you hear about the new arenas?

Snort! :rofl:


Will capsuleers be able to reverse polarity on the deflector dish or rotate shield harmonic frequencies to counteract the effects of this space weather?


CCP should have been more creative - you should be able to turn on cloaking devices in the storms, they should just do something different and crazy, rather than work as cloaks.

Oh, ok. When has that happened?

I have to admit, I did not think CCP would give in to the AFK Cloaking thdā€¦ Mehā€¦

They should have a nullsec storm that can shut off the red dot - make people fly all the way out thereā€¦


I do love how people canĀ“t live with knowledge that 2 contellations within 41 nullsec regions will be affected by non-cloaking storm.

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I would fly any course, sail any sea, run any gauntlet to get rid of the red dot.

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