Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

I can see exactly how this is likely to play out with the numbers/mechanics indicated, and it’s embarrassing that CCP is still going to do it in the middle of a war.

I fully expect there to be a pivotal final timer (such as a staging keepstar, foothold in a constellation, etc) when SUDDENLY -90% remote rep cloud, or something else that favors one side massively, completely screwing the work put in to get to said potential turning point and changing the course of the war.

Regardless of whether it is completely random or CCP interfering (they’ve done so in the past, so it’s hard to pretend it’s impossible), whichever side gets boned is going to be extremely salty and it’s going to cost a LOT of subs. Best case is these things have no real effect at all as they’re not worth searching out, but worst case could be devastating. In true CCP fashion, I fully expect the worst. Also a pretty good chance they’ll be broken and ruin something else on launch, cuz you know they won’t be properly tested.

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The whole CSM was salty as soon as they heard about these storms. They even wrote a pissy open letter about it.

This chance is good meant but totaly bonkers. specialy those content hostile mali to resists and remote repairs will cause people just to either go somewhere else if the can or hunker down wait out the storm.

Basicly generating a no playtime time while it lasts. CCP seriously all group combat is based round remote repairs. also the reward boni are not worth the risk of losing your ship essentialy without a chance to fight as mininig barges are already very good fighters and without remote repairs well yeah. Ratting ships will just dock or change system if they are able to i mean the resits nerfs make it unfeasable to rat effeciently anyhow as he will take far to much damage from the npcs already

so all in all this needs work storms in gernerel as a idea i like but this bonuses and mali are just contend denial

I think you mean Cyclone.

Means in these fleets, if they will happen, who can blap fastest, have most DPS and application, more range and ECM, and have more EHP in their ships, will win. The repair drones I think are not affected?

would if they would undock that is but given the choise they very likley chose not to do so.

will there be any indication on the map when one of these storms show up?

I think the idea has some merit, but man, this could really mess up some doctrines in the current war. If CCP want to remove a heap of capitals from the game and make those fleets more sparse, maybe not add a feature that will have people even more reluctant to drop them at the risk of loss than they already are.

I am a fairly new player, and a Goon (grr I know), but this seems like it could deter capital fights, which let’s face it, is what everyone is waiting for in this war.

If everyone insists on docking up whenever a storm rolls through it might actually be safer to chase them.

Likewise corps with dedicated fits optimized for these conditions would be PVP nightmares. It doesn’t stop locals from countering them with dedicated fits that do the same… but I’m pretty sure the crabs wouldn’t be able to adapt.

This is probably a cool idea. Ride with the storm until you find a good exit then dump all the good loot in HS somewhere and keep going until your fleet is too damaged to continue.

New Skill(s) -

Storm Harmonics. The ability to modulate your ships weather harmonics systems to harmonise with the storms energy. 2% reduction in the negative effects of the storm per level.

Weather Harmonics. The ability to modulate ship fitments to best align with any prevailing weather

Storm Chaser.. Requires Spaceship Command III…

New Modules-

Prototype Storm Cloak - Thank the Sisters, Shelter is granted but at a price. Module must be overloaded and does not generate heat. This cloak, whilst able to withstand the ravages of the storm has a limited life and will self destruct. - Requires Weather Harmonics 4

Expert Cloaking Device - Thank the Sisters, Shelter is granted but at a price. The Sisters have tweaked their previous attempt at a working Storm Cloak but due to the need to push a ships weather harmonics systems to the limits, most standard construction was incompatible. - Requires Weather Harmonics 5 - Can only be fitted to Storm Chasers.

Liminal Repair Scripts For use with Flex Remote Modules…
Liminal Charges Munitions specifically designed for stom usage.

New Ships-

STORM CHASERS - This new ship class has been specifically designed to work, rest and play in the eye of the storm.

Seriously there needs to be skills/ships for this. There could even be Command Burst Scripts/Skills too.


AKA ‘Rolling a Hole’.

Amazing how many ‘old-timers’ are going to leave (according to some posters here) because occasionally, for no more than 48 hours, things won’t be perfect for their current style of play…


Well, potentially that may be longer than a week (depends on storm movements and gate configuration) but yeah.


If we are getting space weather, I want cool space weather effects, not just an icon and stat changes.


It could on the other hand result in a fleet taking a risk, that an enemy fleet will not engage for risk of losing. As such progress a timer to final stage and ensuring a fight the flowing day when the storm has moved on.

Will these storm effects show up on killmails?

What I need to know is are we going to have to pay for installing Wipers on our ships or will CCP issue them free of charge.

I still say its a good idea if player actions (such as using particular gates and jump drives) influence the ‘path’, ‘strength’ or ‘lifetime’ of these storms. Imagine the gate fights when one side tries to stop others from using a gate to drive a storm into their neighborhood. lol.

No, otherwise large alliances will keep storms they want and kick out unneeded storms

Will there still be sun glare in the storm systems?


The incentives that these storms bring are so paltry that the safe prediction seems to be that people will avoid them when at all possible, save for hunters seeking to exploit them, who will then complain that there is nobody out in the storms to shoot.