Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

Ah, if we are playing the game of “I want this” and not “Let´s balance this out” then I am for this permanent effect ====> deactivate all cloaking modules in null.
Great and constructive approach, yeah.

The Cloaking module has been added for the added benefit of Eve’s gameplay.

The Channel Local in game, comes from the technical development history of the game, and for me, it should never have been part of the gameplay (as it is currently used in LS and NS)

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" I am for this" is not “I want this”

Yes it is, you´ve proven that you want to get rid of local chat and get as few systems with no-cloaking effect as possible, though according to your own words that would not be fair whatsoever but you seem to be ok with it. Mutually exclusive statement dont bother you at all.

sorry, but it’s you who doesn’t understand, you get stuck on your gameplay.
I am only expressing ideas and suggestions, which is the purpose of this forum.
After I double-checked the translations of my messages, I don’t think I express a double negation or a contradiction.

Fly dangerous;)

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I thought that i was also proposing changes that would not make things worse, silly me i guess.

In general it is correct, in this specific case - no.

Eve has always been about how to work with the content given. There have always been tools available. So lets give players content that they can work with and skill for. Upthread there was a mention of making it more profession based. To me, that seems the whole ethos of New Eden. Create content > give people tools… let the players evolve and adapt.

My suggestion for the cloaking isn’t specifically to bring it back wholesale. The proto cloak/overload means that you could cloak but you’re then limited to how long the cloak will take hold before it burns out. That would mean you would have to play smart for the duration of a fight/hunt or play a hail mary for quick survival.

Even giving pilots specific ships is well within the lore and foundations for the game. Since coming back from a Looooooong break I’ve noticed that ships have become more role specific. A high spec, role specific, high skilled, storm cov ops wouldn’t bring back mass cloaking but it would allow for specialised pilots. We have ships built for FCs just to sit and command a fleet, specalised repairs, command ships to provide bonuses etc etc. A specialised cloaky ship for storms is a logical step.

I’d rather see fights in storm systems, rather than players avoiding them. Otherwise this is just CCP deliberatly removing specific content. -90% reduction in remote repping is just as much as a kick in the goolies for logi ships as it is for cloaking.

I think by having a storm that just (almost predictably) drops into a “random” system just leads to more meta fits and more meta tactics

100% tackle range and -25% sig radius… OoooOOooer Missus.

I was merely questioning your “please tell us all the details”-mentality instead of experiencing the unknown once the feature launches.

Assuming 24 hour cycle that will be 7 jumps at most for weekly logoff. 7 Jumps is really small distance. Yes, you’ll have to risk flying nullsec but that’s not that big price.

Its relative, true it can be nothing with empty systems, but with a weather specific ship/gang, 3-7 jumps away from the storm, red inbetween, might as well go home or self destruct.

We have bombers, we have t3c, we have t2 covert ops + astero + strat, BO and blockade runners, what else do we need, specifically for storm?

Storm-interdicted cloak-enabled ships for camping local.

And, of course, vast buckets of salt…

There should be an in-game cloaky-camper channel. People could whine all day.


As I already explained to cover all the storms you will need hell lot of SP and at least like 5-6 different ships for probably pve only. Then if you think PVP doctorines you probably need like 6 more ships. Plus there are some bonuses and debuffs that simply suck so bad that you probably want to logoff for that / those days the storm is in effect.

I have worked with games for almost 20 years now. And for me this chance in fact is most suicidal design feature ever to ‘come soon’. It will override some game basic mechanics for duration of the storm. Storms also change spawn of resources which will have impact on markets. This change therefor has power to screw up many things. Sure it will only affect null sec and ‘bleed’ to nearby low and high secs.

I don’t seriously see any point in this feature except for CCP wanting to ■■■■ up people playing experience and it comes at high risk. Please, do something else like figure out some wise ass stuff for marauders. Give other weapon systems similarish ramp up feature like disintegrators have. Give the game actually balance instead of creating feature of pure chaos.

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I do love your attention to The Only Module That Enables Your PvP :slight_smile:

I dont care which side wins and do not have a opinion on these changes yet. But to make changes to which can change the out come of a major war does open up the possibility that it was done to help 1 side or the other and that needs to be avoided. so get changes set up and wait for war to conclude which should not be a major wait. I have heard rumor’s for years that CCP has taken sides in wars but dismissed it as sour grapes from the looser. Last thing this game needs is a pattern of CCP making changes that determines the Corse of a war.

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It has happened before with Band of Brothers

How much is “hell lot of SP”, and why do you need so many ships “probably” for “pve only”?
Do you have actual evidence to support anything you’re saying?

Like, PvE already comes in fairly limited number of ships.
Gila - Ishtar - Myrm - Dominix - Rattlesnake
Are you saying you’d need one of EACH of those ships to be able to “probably pve only”?

Also what amount of SP will be necessary? More importantly, what SKILLs should that SP be in? If I have 100m SP in Industry and Mining only, will I still be safe from the storms? If I have 100m SP in Combat skills only, will I still be safe?

What relevance does this have to do with anything?

CCP said it’d only be like one or two systems in all of nullsec. Exactly how much of an impact will it really have in the grand scheme of things?

You said you’ve “worked with games for almost 20 years now”, shouldn’t you have realized that it’s possible for CCP to work on multiple things at once?