Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec


As a high-sec player my opinion of this is mixed. On the one hand, I can tank advantage of it when it’s around and I won’t see weather much because of how far I am from a null sec system I may never see it, so no worries for me either way. Except…

Except that I need (as every player in Eve needs) as many other players around as possible. The fewer players, the less the game can be developed and the less content there is. From what my (admittedly limited) understanding of how the movements of null sec players work, this weather system strikes me as a negative event for player retention.

I’ve spoken to about a dozen of my null sec buddies and only one gave me a positive opinion of these upcoming changes out of the lot of them. And when I try to put myself in their shoes, trying to take into consideration my understand of their goals and methods, I imagine it would make me a bit miserable.

When I read the summary premise of the idea I thought, “Wow that sounds like they’re adding excitement!” But when I read how it worked I thought, “Thank goodness I don’t run around in null much.”

I wish I could offer a …‘list of fix ideas’ or something but I’m stumped. The concept as presented just has me wondering why and why that way. Seems less ‘add excitement’ and more ‘add annoyance’.

But as I said I am a high sec care bear mostly. I just go to null to take stuff to buddies and chase down explo and stuff. PvP confounds me still.

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You mean ‘it’s something intrusive that gets in the way again’.

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I smell a new cloak mod that lets you cloak in a storm. New skills/fuel? I don’t know. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

PvP has been, will be, and will always be just stabbing at things you know are less powerful than you.

That’s pretty much it. The rest is playing the game of rock paper scissors. In MMOs the PvP gameplay almost always boils down to “who has better gear”, EVE is no exception. The rest is understanding the r/p/s of range control and DScan. Then the next step is finding and killing HVTs to make money while shooting people. The last step is grabbing people to assure you always have numbers advantage.

The final form is farming hatemail.

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Dont get me wrong but your statement could be seen as debatalbe, though it´s mostly correct.
I´d say that the final form is playing the meta while farming hatemail is something different.

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That’s basically what it is, yes. Gosh, I wonder how many of the 8 totally random storms will just happen to start off in Delve…

My money’s on ‘5-7’.

I mean: why dont start with 2 Electrical passing through 1dq, hehe

I bet Astero that 0 :fire_extinguisher:

My bet is on at least 1 plasma storm. Just to help those munnins

Sure bring the storms all over instead of just null :]

Eh, not sure how lowsec will like it but highsec will absolutely hate it. Like H.A.T.E. it, wh - mostly hate it escept for electrical.

yea no idea about high and wh never lived there but I spend 90% of my time in low and it would be amazing there too.

Why not just make it 100% or do you think 250 Basilisks are going to follow one ship around repping it?

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Question, is it possible for these storms to overlap? What happens if they do overlap?

Why does everybody keep asking this? The answer is almost certainly no - but even if they could, it would be a very rare event.

Can i? Stop sending me this sh`itted from the daily login reward? Well, seriously … Stop wasting my time! And you can continue to discuss something that has no game value. :nauseated_face:

Fozzie also mentioned this

So your little storm is little bigger than you probably thought of.

If you worked in game industry or thought the topic at all. You would understand that these changes impact on null sec which is source of many resources. Which will impact all of EVE economy. Once you implement such feature which has random consequences it will introduce bugs and balance issues. So once this feature is fired CCP will be rolling their thumbs and analyzing data and projecting future storms. They already mentioned that they will start new features like forecasts and people are already requesting new APIs. This ‘little feature’ will sink up lot of CCP time and divert it from real things.

Rest of your blabber I chose not to answer as you seriously did not think of the subject at all.

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Wow, so it touches a low sec system. Show me proof that these lowsec systems contribute meaningfully to the EVE Online economy and how negatively these weak storms will hurt it. Just because it touches low/high systems doesn’t mean anything. Otherwise, sit down and shut up.

Will there be an impact? Sure.
Will it be as bad as you’re claiming? Lmao, no, get out of here, kid.

Show me the numbers that support your claim that it’ll be as bad as you say it is.

Also, I love how you conveniently ignored:
How much SP will you need to survive these storms? You claimed that

And why would you need “like 5-6 different ships for probably pve only.”

Followed by:

Where is any of your support for ANYTHING you’ve said this entire thread?

I know it’s very easy and tempting to just pull stuff out of your ass, but no one will take you seriously if all you do is make up outrageous stuff with nothing to support it.

Edit: Here comes the “i’ve worked in video games for X years, I know what I’m talking about” deflection in 3… 2…


Is not the CSM
it’s the goon stellar management, remember that

Even Mike, the highsec carebear/NPE representative, got a brain wipe and now speaks the goon party line.

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