Coming Soon: Metaliminal Storms in Nullsec

I´m utterly bewildered by two deranged players who stares at CSM and sees Mittens and his crew. Just wow.

Please provide factual statistic’s instead of insults to back up your constant dismissive statements.

Yet again, DMC fails to understand that the burden of providing supporting evidence is on the person who first made the claim. But this is no surprise to everyone on the forums. :slight_smile:

He made the claim that players will need a lot of SP to survive these storms (with no evidence).

He made the claim that players will need 5-6 different ships to survive these storms (with no evidence).

He made the claim that were will need to be 5-6 new doctrines to survive these storms (yet again, with no evidence.)

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-90% allows remote reps to be used after a fight to fix things up, drone ships to fix up drones between sites etc.
Yes there are other ways to do it I know, but it means those ways still work while making remote reps during a fight mostly irrelevant.


Since you claim their statement is wrong it’s on you to prove it with factual statistics.

Of course you can’t do that so instead you just cite that BS excuse.

if @Theia_Matova can’t show proof of what he is saying, then he needs to shut his mouth about it. plain and simple.

Where is his proof that PVP doctrines will need 6 ships? or the 5-6 ships for PVE?? Again if he can show proof, that will make the difference in him talkin out his ass or not.


Person A makes a claim.
Person B asks A to provide support.
Person A needs to provide support for their claims or A is just talking out his ass.

Person B does not need to provide support for Person A’s lack of support.

I hope this helps you understand how this works.


Heh, all I see is a couple of characters disagreeing and saying he’s wrong yet they can’t provide any factual statistics to back up their claims.

i’m not saying he’s right or wrong, I wanna know what his basis is for making those claims.

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Heh, all I see is a kid who doesn’t know anything more than “I must disagree with Scoots no matter what! And when I get called out on how dumb I am, I need to distance myself and make it look like I was never interested in the discussion, thus being an off topic garbage poster like always!”

Sit down and use your brain.

Dude made claims, I called him out on it and asked him to back his stuff up. He’s refused and has since run away from the thread because he knows he pulled all of it out of his ass. You don’t need to white knight him.

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You made a claim that he was wrong, I’m calling you out to prove it. Once again all you do is act like an asinine punk who can only post insults instead of factual statistics to prove yourself right.

@DeMichael_Crimson Where in that did Scoots say the guy was wrong? you are claiming something that didn’t happen…

I see someone asking for clarification on what was presented, with no evidence to back up what was said.

as far as the post you are calling scoots out on, the only thing scoots said is that his guy is claiming these storms are gonna affect all of eve and scoots said no it won’t… but still, no proof given by Theai or whatever his name is, to back up the ■■■■ he’s spewin.

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First off, no I didn’t. At best, I said it wasn’t going to be as bad as he claimed (5-6 ships to PvE, 5-6 different doctrines, players will need uncounted amounts of SP to live through the storms, etc.). But I didn’t say he was wrong.

Second off, look, kid. I get it. A while back, I called you out on your ■■■■■■■■, and your fragile little ego couldn’t handle it. And since then, you’ve decided to go on a blind crusade of constantly trying to be a contrarian to everything I say without taking the moment to ask yourself, “Am I being an idiot right now?” It’s only natural.

But look at the facts.

A guy made outrageous claims. He backed it up by claiming that he has 20 years “working with” video games, and nothing more. I asked him to provide support, and now you’re going off white knighting another rando who has done nothing but pull meaningless garbage out his ass.

It’s such a disappointing timeline when kids think asking someone to support their claims with evidence is the same as saying they were wrong. What ever happened to brain cells?


I feel like I just walked into a Monty Python Sketch.

quietly tiptoes out


First off Scoots doesn’t need you to White Knight for him, he does that just fine on his own. Secondly, he’s disagreeing and dismissing the player as being incorrect. In other words, saying that player is wrong.

Liar, you said that to his statement that these storms would adversely affect Null Sec resources which will impact Eve economy.

Now you wanna mince words, your own statements insinuate that he’s incorrect.

In other words, you’re saying he’s wrong.

OK kid, it’s time for you to grow up. The only thing you’re proving here is that you constantly try to inflate your own epeen by insulting and dismissing others here in the forums.

I asked you to present factual statements to prove that player is incorrect, I.E. wrong. You can’t do that so instead all you do is just post a bunch of bluster and insult those who disagree with you.

One COULD argue that about HS and LS in addition to NS (as the person you were replying to was claiming)… (although there are sansha incursions and trig invasions and occasional events that also spice things up a bit in k-space)

But WH space? Come on, the holes connecting j-space change every day. Even if SOME things there don’t change, clearly plenty does. Your map, your neighbors, the weather effects you run into when you jump through your static to scout it each day (speaking of storms), etc. etc.

In this case the same thing works for k-space, even for null: incursions, events, wars, wh:s that lead to god knows where, always changing drifter wh:s.

That was never five minutes just now.

i have a suggestion to mr fozzie. i know you have added frigate bays for certain battle ships. i think if you add the ability for those escape frigates to become come scout frigates as in you can fly out and redock with your Maruder class BB it would give people who have easily spent billions of isk to aquire one. Please take time to review my idea and perhaps pass the idea around in the office

Uh, isn’t that how they work already?