Community experiment. Why the attitude?

  1. An Omega Account does not require different people. It only requires an Account that is “Omega”.

~ Nothing stops you from activating (plexing) 50 Omega Accounts for 1 month, and casting votes for them. Then letting them run out.

I have 6 Account that are Omega I vote with. Guess what? There’s still just 1 of me.

  1. Current user, is Accounts accessed from different clients. Not “Individual People”. Many players with 15+ accounts run them on multiple networked computers with a Mimic Software.

Again… Just 1 player.

So that number is 100% a lie and a huge misrepresentation of the population of EVE, anyway you slice it.

Many people are comparing apples and oranges and making a common statistical fallacy. The number of concurrent players and the number of voting Omegas are both a subset of the total number of players having accounts. There’s likely some overlap but there will be players who at that time were not members of either the active online or the voting group, or who are just members of one, or who are members of both. Thus you cannot draw inferences from the size of the known groups…because you just don’t know how large the unknown one is or the actual distribution across groups !

I don’t make any claim that these numbers accurately represented the total numbers.

The post I was replying to stated with complete confidence that there were “28,000 active accounts”, the 30,231 concurrently online at the time showed that they were wrong, as is frequently the case with the “figures” or “statistics” they post.

As far as the CSM goes, I agree it can’t give you a full picture, but what it does show you is that during the elections at least 47,155 accounts were Omega at some point, so it would depend on what you consider to be active, maybe they were weren’t in game but the accounts are active rather than inactive because they have voted, so will have still generated income for CCP.

Indeed, but one also has to factor in that not every Omega would have voted…which means the total number of Omega accounts would almost certainly be somewhat larger. Also, the ‘28.000 active accounts’ ( seems to be based on concurrency ) almost certainly includes both Omega and Alpha…so it really is apples and oranges and people trying to find whatever lowest figure they can to whine about.

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