[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 14 September 2021

don’t buy any of the packs, they are just money grabbing, they are all pretty trash


Do you want a sticker?

There is a reason nearly everyone has a negative outlook on the new ui.

It is objectively worse while looks is subjective. The amount of useful presented information isn’t.

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I miss the 2016 Skill Queue, so simple not laggy. Everything was viewable and had the ability to sort by time.


honestly im not generally the go to the forum type guy, but i dunno… i wanna feel i said something i guess. the new UI thing is horrible. im sorry but its just worse than the one we have now. i can tell its gonna be hell to adjust to it and it will never be as ez to use as what we have.


we need moar ice


INB4 instead of resource distribution its actually resource packs for $5.99


Do the new skill plans come with red dots to show what skills I am missing because we all need red dots right… Not been on the test server but I can guess what awaits us after downtime… Needless change?

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Cannot wait to read all the posts from bitter veterans whining after downtime tomorrow.


The new quadrant is Q4 of 2021. That would be the quadrant where they’ve said they intend to start ending scarcity. So… no, that’s not ‘skipping’ it.

No, the red dots will be on each of the new SP you didn’t have the last time you logged in. 1 red dot per SP, superimposed on the screen as soon as you login.


and a dong to be sure you noticed.


Forgive me if I don’t hold my breath, I have zero trust or faith in CCP



And the new character window still doesn’t allow to collapse the portrait which in turn means that every time you open it to use your JC or check implants, standings or other things in your char sheet, you will lag your client because it needs to calculate the wealth.

This is another instance of #CCPQualityCoding in your clients tomorrow.


And look at this. You can now cut off the last tab if you reduce the size of the window to the smallest size while the existing char sheet has a dynamic layout that adjusts tab size according to window width. Who the hell was allowed to design any of this? Why was this person allowed to get close to anything to be released to TQ? :facepalm:


I get that game needs update to keep it cool and flashy but this is stupid. Yes putting train skill plans is a good move but the update skill list and UI changes for it is just a waste. CCP has Ice Anoms that aren’t spawning right and CCP still has not fixed that! All the players are effected by Ice Anoms not working right. I understand that CCP needs more customers but not one thing that CCP has done has brought more players into the game. That tell me they are just wasting time. CCP needs to start being really concerned with player retention!


Way to go, add features no one asked for. again… A empty shell of an update. And stop asking me to verify my email address when I login, your ■■■■ mail goes straight to spam. Its damn near impossible to find.

it’s not just a bitter vet thing… The UI is worse for new players as less information is available and the information that is still there is harder to see/find


Dopamine can you tell us if the Skill Plans are supported by the ESI, so we can share them outofgame?

Oh well…