[COMPLETED] Extended Downtime Notification - 27.10.2020

So THAT is why my client freezes up ever since the patch a few weeks ago!

Downloading everything now since i got the time now anyway! Thanks for the heads up!

Server up already? Maintenance postponed?

Yeah. This looks more like a normal maintenance window than extended DT. Of course usually DT only takes 5 of the 15 minutes reserved for it so it could still be “extended”…

Well, it seems our hamsters got new superpowers and managed to process all the tasks in a record time! Tranquility is back online accepting connections :slight_smile:

Happy flying, space friends o7


Hey, in the german description is a bug…there are just the old boni description from the flycatcher an not the the new bonuses

and so we enter week 3 of no music in eve but hey we can now buy it on spotify !

I hate to rain on your parade, but the launcher is in perpetual download mode. It did the actual update, but is now grinding away forever using a lot of bandwidth and getting nowhere.
To make that even more fun, it wont launch accounts.
Sorry to have to be a killjoy, but this seems to happen near the end of every month for some reason. Today though its a bit worse than usual.

Same issue. Sorry for you but glad it’s not just me…

I’ve been down launcher wise for 5 day’s now, even after attempting fresh reinstall. It starts but just hangs… Happened after a launcher update (shrug) So my 3 Omega accounts have just been sitting there…

We could throw a victory party for having defeated the purpose of the launcher!

That sucks, but when you do get on you will have announcements of “Skill training Complete” and maybe, just maybe, that will help a little.
Unless its some level V thing that takes eleven years, nine days and thirty seven seconds, in which case all bets are off.

Yeah I know I will have a number of things trained/close to done, but I play daily and all my PI is just sitting there as I restart the extractions each day. Also don’t like paying for an account and not being able to play, and it’s compounded by 3 in this situation. Patience I guess. :slight_smile:

This is not a simple switch you can flick to change over… it would require a complete redesign of the entire database/code from the ground up to switch from SQL to noSQL.

NPC Bounties are broken.

if you’re talking about the cosmos npcs with afk Ishtar farming, the change is intended. it’s to prevent people like you from parking ishtars and farming npcs for hours on end afk.

should have been done a looong time ago, but ccp is finally shutting that garbage down.

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Still poor experience !

  • I don’t know if your pushing limits to get better experience in nullsect wars.
  • The game is slower then ever, from market, abyss, wormhole, scanning, etc … etc …

Running on a 7th gen X series Intel CPU and a 1080, for EVE, like LUL

Sensor must be lost in wormhole, you’re stuck on green status servers, you should have built a new system for trigs wormhole, as you seem to add issue in the actual wormhole system. (K162 side move after downtime) and your support center want me to field up a BUG report, We are bored of doing the job twice, do it yourself! (we never heard of our bug reports)

  • We are here to play right, working is your duty.

12 years of game plays

I thing you should do better work on you’re patches! More ticket open in the last year then the 11 previous years.

Not talking about afk Ishtar farming. And you are correct that the change was intended, but not for the reasons you stated. They are disabling Bounty and killrights to test server performance.
Thanks for misinformation.

And all the missing stuff from patch note.

  • Unbelievable.

We are not … !

They’re temporarily disabling those in regards to PLAYERS. Not NPCs, dear.

With today’s release (13 October) we will be temporarily disabling both the player bounty and kill rights features on Tranquility. We are taking this action as part of an ongoing initiative at CCP into the exploration of server and client performance during large fleet fights. When these features are disabled for an extended amount of time, we will be able to take a different look at how both the server and client performs.

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