However looking at the refining rations currently this looks for mined ore compared with minerals before loss related to refining modifiers:
veldspar: unit 0.1m³ → batch 10m² → mineral 4 m³ | 40%
scordite: unit 0.15m³ → batch 15 m³ → mineral 2.4 m³ | 16%
plagioclase: unit 0.35m³ → batch 35 m³ → mineral 2.45 m³ | 7%
pyroxeres: unit 0.3m³ → batch 30 m³ → mineral 1.2m³ | 4%
omber: unit 0.6m³ → batch 60m³ → mineral 1.65m³ | 2.75%
Kernite: unit 1.2m³-> batch 120m³ → minerals 1.8m³ | 1.5 %
Jaspet: unit 2m² → batch 200m³ → minerals 2m² | 1%
Hemorphite: unit 3m³ → batch 300m³ → minerals 3.3m³ | 1.1%
Hebergite: unit 3m³ → batch 300m³ → minerals 5.7m³ | 1.9%
Gneiss: unit 5m³ → batch 500m³ → minerals 43m³ | 8.6%
Dark Ochre: unit 8m³ → batch 800m³ → minerals 28.8 m³ | 3.6%
Crokite: unit 16m³ → batch 1600m³ → minerals 36m³ | 2.25%
Bistote: unit 16m³ → batch 1600m³ → minerals 45.6m³ | 2.85%
Arkonor : unit 16m³ → batch 1600m³ → minerals 45.2m³ | 2.85%
Mercoxite: unit 40m³ → batch 4000m³ → minerals 1.4 m³ | 0.035%
Spodumain: unit 16m³ → bach 1600m³ → minerals 492.8 m³ | 30.8%
Bezdnacine: unit 16m³ → batch 1600m³ → minerals 449.28m³ | 28.08%
Rakovene: unit 16m³ → batch 1600m³ → minerals 434m³ | 27.18%
Talassonite: unit 16m³ → batch 1600m³ → mineral 409,92m³ | 25.62%
While interesting and as all is good a possible idea is to invent Refining++.[Coexisting besides current refining]
What could be the ingredients in a first try? A reactor, specific tools, ores, raw planetary resources and a refining program. Oh and for it to be used skills.
Good, let’s throw them in a pot and see what can be made of them.
The process is as following:
The refiner goes to a reactor, depending on the end product hir installs a tool, puts in an ore and planetary resources, through the program hir changes refining efficiency/refining speed/heat or stress created/pollution of the reactor.
The four factors work in following way:
*Each reactor has a specific stressability capacity, in each refining process this capacity is reduced by the stress created (similar to capacitor used up through an weapon activation) however if the capacity is depleted the reactor is incapacitated and has to be repaired (nanite repair paste?).
*Refining speed is either the amount of refined items per refining cycle or the duration of the refining cycle with a fixed amount of refined items delivered.
*Refining efficiency is how many units of or and planetary raw ressources are used for one unit of refined items.
*Pollution of the reactor stacks each refining run as soon as the run is finished, the amount of pollution increases the stress created in a run for the purpose of an low stressedn reactor it needs to be cleaned in a while(technical crew, cleaning drones, slaves or alike)
Each tool can only be used for a limited amount of runs.
The refining program is available at the market in a basic version and can be researched however if optimized in one of the four directions one of the other three does or may become worse.
Okay one idea for a refining process yet what about the acquired materials?
And a possible direction is in a similar direction as mutaplasmids, however either a low end stable form or a one bonus only form. Okay if you read this far thanks for your attention and have an interesting time in eve.