Talk of multi-religion and non religious administration of Providence-region is treason.
Any who speak of it set themselves against ancient authority and are the heirs in spirit of those, who has so many times laid siege to our home.
Can anyone of true faith contemplate such evil without horror?
Let there be no confusion! The CVA is the sole ruler of the entire region, and will remain so. Their rule is dictated by crown and God, and no mortal man may alter it.
Anyone who denies this truth makes themselves an enemy of God, Empress and the Empire. Think of that before you make another step against the holy order.
I declare Providence rulership, non counting CVA holdings dissolved and illegitimate. All loyal amarrians are to engage, pillage and to destroy non CVA-holdings who do not swear eternal loyalty to the God Omnipotent and to the Crown Beloved by all.
Providence is a land well fought for, a land of many adventures with many diverse groups who have witnessed many things working together.
It is a treasoness heresy that can be forgiven. CVA Lives in the region and rules their land with an iron fist, but do remember who put them there first and why they fight.
As one of the knights of providence, the rule is dictated by the fights, the will to defend, the soul of the attack and the reason for the fight.
Call me an enemy of God, Empress and the Empire but I fought for the region to preserve what land we had for amarr and seek a vengeance against the delusional.
You can never truly destroy Providence and her people for she lives in the eyes of the people who protect and maintain her.
For I am King Amaarian, The Holy Warlord of these lands, knight of providence and I will defend CVA and her allies with my life, for there is no greater crown then the family that we live with.
You talk about submission to a fading God, crafted by the imagination of your ancestors. Yet, we have elevated ourselves, becoming real gods, and conquering death.
When we reached the realm of your ancient gods, there was no challenge to our ambitions, no one there to put an end to our transgression.
See, we are the first gods, the only gods that are and have ever been.