anoms are not going to be tied to System ADM and IHUB upgrade? or to get more anoms you will have to grind lower and lower level isk anoms?
A huge step in the right direction regarding afk ratting, forcing people to spread out, and increasing potential content for pvp. I dig it.
If only their was a body of people, maybe even players, (hell, they could even be selected by other players in some kind of yearly election) that could point these things out to them.
What will it take you to find out the changes killed the game while you were playing leet rmt leaks club with your CFCSM buddy mike the vegetable?
We’re THIS close to showing up for fleets in corvettes (ceptors if you’re rich), and CSM is blabbering nonsense as usual.
I read through the first hundred or so posts of this before seeing not a single person had questioned the generic phrasing of ‘bounty’ in the dev blog. Has a CCP’er clarified anywhere that this system only applies to NPC bounties or does it also apply to player bounties? That is to say, I’m concerned that some system with a 150% bounty payout would attract players looking to cash in on their own bounties like they used to in the bad old days.
play your way isn’t relative to using programs to control your 10 accounts 10 hours a day in one pocket that’s called a breach of tos my dude
We can lead a horse to water, but we can’t make it drink.
Ok, boomer
Then try bringing a fightable fight instead of dropping 30 dudes in system 10 on each outgate with arazu cynos dropping supers for 1 cruiser maybe? Like pretty much every “response fleet”.
Good morning, sweetheart! Player bounties are disabled for like two weeks now!
The new guy doesn’t rat in null sec.
Deflation makes it easier for the new guy to enter. The rich in Eve don’t care about inflation…they have way more than they’d ever need.
cya krab
That’s fine and all, but I’m looking more toward when they’re not disabled.
Nothing in this devblog indicates any change in the ihub upgrade / anomaly relationship.
Tried everything. But every time there’s a 1% chance to lose a frigate, roaming chickens go quack-quakc-filament. They just assume you have more whether you have more or not. The filament scum isn’t there to fight, it’s there to shoot things that can’t shoot back, and disappear with on demand skill substitute filament.
ehh wont affect me lol… i just mine ore and build stuff xD
CCP could probably get a student intern to go through and document this over the course of semester. It just reeks of “It’s hard so I don’t wanna.” I’ve used the old code, no documentation, developer has moved on/passed away excuse before it works great on bean counters.
I can plex 2 accounts solo without bounty pve’ing. It takes effort running relics and deds, but only takes a few days, and maybe 2 or 3 days for 1 account. So this bounty change affects literally no one who knows what they’re doing or actually playing the game to earn their money. Bounty change only affects botters and afk ratters who want to make money 10 hours a day with the client minimized and watching netflix, which sounds more like a job to me. It’s kinda of comical reading these rage comments of players that just rely on bounty ratting and dock up the moment someone enters local which has always been trash to begin with, but the most AFK’able way to make isk. Stop being lazy, or make less money being lazy, simple.
Why? What makes you think people want to pvp in their space? They don’t. They want to fight people in the other guy’s space. Just like you don’t leave your door unlocked and wide open so people can walk into your home and kick your butt and take your stuff.
People, even in EVE, want their homes to be secure. So they respond with enough force to try to make people not want to come attack them. It’s not exactly rocket science.
But kids shooting things who can’t shoot back is like the backbone of the whole game!!! #code #worthlessgankdouches