CONCORD introduces the Dynamic Bounty System

During bugfixing /support I as a programmer look first of all into the source code of my colleagues. There are always functions and loops and variables, nobody can program in a way that you absolutely don’t understand it anymore, believe me. That can only be another reason. Because the source code I read (whole erp/crm/pps system 500MB compressed source code without grafics and garbage stuff) has been developed over 20 years by several colleagues and still it is understandable for someone who can program and has some IQ.

As I always say, it does not matter in which language it is written, it is always the same procedures and operations. You just have to understand the concept…


absolutely agree that any player hopes of doing pve to plex accounts are being systematically dashed for solo players or small groups. perhaps this is by design. but it doesnt mean they will just open their wallets, it may simply mean they move on to something that doesnt make the game a job. game should equal fun and some just like the pve “play”



An excellent change, thank you CCP.


The question is, why does CCP have to keep relearning the same thing?

From the 2011 dev blog I linked earlier:
"Expected consequences

  • Some alliances will immediately start wanting to look for better space
  • In the longer run, there’ll be more conflicts going on, with more localized goals
  • Newer alliances will have an easier time getting a foothold in nullsec
  • Coalitions will be marginally less stable
  • Alliances will have to choose more carefully what space they develop, where their staging systems are, and so on (low truesec systems generally tend to be in strategically inconvenient places)"

None of that happened lol. In most cases the exact opposite of that happened. I think it comes from a lack of understanding why players do what they do and how much they are willing to risk/sacrifice to do it.

I remember the wait times for high sec incursions becoming ludicrous after that 2011 change (which is re-iterated on mothers later to make it less bothersome, which is when i went back to ratting in null).

NOW their is Soooooooo many more ways to make is than high sec incursions. Even with the FW pay out nerfs their is way more to shift towards (burners, abyss filaments/trig stuff, opportunities in wormholes, all that new low sec content added since 2013 ect ect).

I’ll keep ratting with 30 mil isk vexors because meh, it’s 30 mil when they die so no big deal, it all just seems like a waste and it’s annoying to think that CCP might be repeating a form of failed thinking they should have learned from 9 years ago.

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Self reliance… CCP will find a way to nerf that too after they go read all the post from the Reddit Crybaby posters club instead of the CSM.

LMFAO csm is controlled by goons who love bots so how would their influence result in anything positive?

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new players are so annoying :angry:

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Voted with my wallet. Toodles.


Except CCP does it. And so do half a dozen well-known sites.

Also, at some point the ratter will find their equilibrium where they spread out enough to keep the multiplier up.

the only thing I get out of this…reading all the comments…


“Road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

you should maybe slow down with your crusade, or otherwise maybe someone might think you need to get fired…or EvE basically dies cause you killed it and everyone is out of a job.


Because the “CCP” in 2011 that learned that lesson is not the CCP of today. The team working on this does not have that kind of institutional memory. That being said, EVE in 2020 is far different from EVE in 2011, and what didn’t work back then could very well work now. We won’t know until it’s tried.

Personally, I don’t like this austerity period at all - I would rather see more focus on making stuff blow up faster.

There are three Imperium CSM members. There are four PAPI CSM members, including the largest member alliance leader and their war chief. Who is controlling the CSM?

Can I have your stuff? INIT cut our SRP.


but you can fly only cruiser/bc and bs hulls inside, how does having supercaps help here?

Were you living under a rock for the last 9 months?
Nobody responds to roamers anymore.
Because the second they see response on d-scan, it’s filament-chicken-o-clock, and poof, they’re gone.

This. 10,000 times this. “Play Your Way” was a lie from the get-go. Its the biggest lie CCP tells and there’s almost nobody left to be suckered by it considering their 96% churn.


I’ve been fighting a war for the last four months, so I have not been paying attention to ratting drama.

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I’m not sure it really does. I think what’s happening is the newer code is exposing some of the inadequacies in the older code that were covered up by pure ‘well, the system doesn’t let you try that’. And then there’s the number of people we’re cramming into single systems, and the sheer degree to which we’re pushing the newer code.

It’s like putting the engine from a Cadillac Sixteen into a '76 Fleetwood. Sure, the 32-valve V16 is an amazing piece of precision machinery… but that old transmission’s just gonna shred itself trying to use all that power.

Yes and no. I mean, I don’t discount your experience, believe me. I’ve been there. I know what you’re saying. I also know that doing that takes time, and I’m not sure CCP’s giving their devs the time to really go in and reverse engineer WTF they’re looking at.

I mean, given enough time, the lack of proper commenting in code, the use of stackless python, all of it, yeah, none of it is insurmountable, right? But do they have that time? Are they being given that time, or are they being pushed to deliver new stuff and new developments on parts that are easier to understand?

Let’s face it, we’re not talking about a big shop here. I don’t know how many of the game developers are actually coders themselves, but it definitely ain’t all of 'em. How many of them just take the coded systems they’re given and say ‘ok, how do we use this to produce something that looks like X?’ How many of them blue sky out rules for the systems to follow, and then hand that off to the actual software engineers to design, without the ability to go in and redo it themselves when a problem crops up?

So, yeah, if we’re talking about a well-run, well-staffed, well-managed shop? Yes, I agree, the hurdles they face should be things they can overcome.

But we’re talking about CCP.


thank god its only in nullsec, don’t get me wrong i have nothing against nullsec players, and in theory if this system is done correctly touch wood that is… then it might be a good thing. but i don’t see how this will put off bots/alts i honestly do not see how it will… because they will just as always find as people have mentioned find a weakness of some kind, which then ccp will just do yet again something even more drastic. of course those of us that don’t alt/bot. are the ones that get punished for sod all. i only have 1 character. i don’t have a need to alt. i just wish those that do alt/bot would get it through their brains that they are ruining the game for those that honestly wish to enjoy it. rather that be ratting… etc. alts/bots ruin the game for those that do work hard with in the game. i will keep a skeptic mind and eye for now.

Yeeeaaaaahhhhhh you think that Goons wanted what happened to capitals and the mining crap? You need to be introduced to Olmeca and the Reddit Crybaby Posters club. And if you want to talk about botters, look into the keepstar chain that PAPI and friends are using right now.

Truer words have rarely been posted although I don’t think null people necessarily despise highseccers but they certainly don’t respect them.

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Excellent, CCP! Long overdue. The endless flow of pirate ships has been a major issue in the game since forever, leading to mindless farming instead of playing the game. However, it would make sense to also reduce the spawn rate when the farming gets heavy.

To include a carrot in this- make the pirate flow ramp up in the beginning of the cycle (they apply more force in hopes of crushing the capsuleer resistance, harder and more rewarding sites leading up to capital content to entertain the super pilots), and when these final encounters are won my eggers, the pirates give up and move to another system, cycle begins again.

Also, lol at all these botters trying to manipulate the discourse. Get jobs and stop ruining our spaceship game with your RMT.