CONCORD introduces the Dynamic Bounty System

I mean, that’s all very generalized, and I am not a finance guy by any means, so I’m sure there’s all sorts of nuances and context that I’m missing, but… yeah, you get the idea. Iceland loves CCP.

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I’m curious to see what the ESS rework is gonna look like. Aside from the few leaks that have been posted to r/eve, we don’t really know too much. Hope it’s something that sparks up content.

Trig farce + resource ‘redistribution’ + yet another flawed bounty system = the death of the true sandbox that was Eve Online.

If none of you see it yet, Eve is slowly turning into a theme park MMO, complete with all the simpified mechanics and shiny lootboxes reminiscent of some of the most boring Korean grinders ever produced.

I never dreamed this game would end up as a content-on-rails disaster like this, but I had a feeling they were beginning to lose their core vision of New Eden when those dumbass $70 monocles were released and walking-in-stations went from promised content to vaporware after almost two years of stagnation due to lack of development for it.

These sandbox-breaking changes and the subsequent substandard content can be very clearly described by just one word:


I have no intention of returning to the game until content that restores the sandbox feel to the game is released. Thanks for reading my post and fly safe.


Theme park MMOs survive longer with a healthier and larger player base, just fyi.

EVE is older than WoW.

Variable bounties is not the death of a sandbox. Sandboxes have rules.
Resource redistribution is also mostly a revert to what EVE had prior to 2013, so… can’t be a death of a sandbox.

I think you really don’t get what is going on atm and what a sandbox is.

Ok, your point being?

That talking about themepark MMO’s surviving longer is a bit silly since A: EVE isn’t a themepark MMO so if you are talking about what makes a themepark MMO survive longer it’s utterly irrelevant, and B: If you are talking about themepark vs sandbox, EVE is older than the oft cited WoW standard of themeparks, so… yeah.


Yet the developers are bringing in aspects that are traditionally found in theme parks (example: “instanced” dungeons) because they know that theme-park elements are well received by players of MMORPGs. And given that they have continued to iterate on these, suggests that they’ve found these theme park elements successful by their internal metrics and thus worth additional developer time and energy to flesh out.

So no, it’s not silly. It’s actually a good sign that CCP is looking for ways to introduce new gameplay loops to EVE Online beyond bittervet’s cry for sandbox purity.

And continues to stand as the exception and not the rule. I wonder why.

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So does WoW. Most themeparks also die horrible short deaths.

Lol CCP, if you are thinking of making money on the stupid, I will not be among them:D
I decided that two hours a day would be enough for me, and this is still not enough for omega status. So, if I don’t have enough of it further, I won’t pump out the necessary skills, I won’t be able to go to pvp, and I won’t pay for the status, which, by the way, has greatly increased in price in our region. If you think players value the game for being living in it, you are not. I had no good reason to start playing… But there will be a reason to leave.
The commentators above have already outlined my train of thought… I don’t understand why then you need to justify yourself with proud phrases in the conclusion. By the way, you are not killing ratting, you are just changing the economy. My opinion about the game was too biased…
P.S. Tired of entering projects at the stage of their withering away.
Sorry for too bad english, I hope you can see my opinion here.


Popcorn time!!! :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:



if this softens up the power of those 1 or 2 mega regions that pull 50% or so of the entire games bounty isk then thats good, but I dont see why it couldnt be applied game wide, would get people moving in all parts of space /shrug

So… 52 hours a month. At 100 Mil an hour that would be 5 billion isk a month…
I think you need to

  1. Optimise your isk earning.
  2. Stop assuming you have to grind isk in game for Omega, just subscribe, you’ll be happier.

я и моя корпа не будет играть при таких условиях___ это около 250+ пилотов


Why it turns into a theme park mmo? Because you cant rat afk? lol

If you only can go pvp if you can do some afk ratting in safe zones, then you should not go pvp.
Eve is about risk and reward. There is no risk in farming safely, then pvp with your easy money.

Savaging might increase resulting in cheaper rigs as players feel that they now need to do this to cover the shortfall of isk.

And that shows how dumb Hillmar and the rest of the CCP devs are. Next time remind them of the BO debacle, but in enough vulgar terms so that they all grasp it. Everyone of those CCP devs thought the BO was a good idea and they know how low it took us. They want a “we told you so”, the BO debacle is a perfect exemple of it. They have to realize that as long as the current population does not like their changes, they need to go back to drawing board and focus on their servers. And they have to ask themselves one simple question: do they want to have a repeat of the BO debacle? From a PR perspective, the intelligent answer would be no and they would instead do whatever it takes to keep the peace between themselves and the players.


Great Idea. Implementation is ■■■■ though. How will you control the multiplier? How will you prevent people from abusing it? Instead a much more simpler approach is to control the spawns (leave the rate alone). Once 10b in bounties is collected a system stops spawns or something. While systems with no ratting continuously pile up bounties and become ripe for picking (maybe max out @ 50b).

Heh. This concept… lemme tell you a story.

One Upon A Time… back in 2018, CCP announced their plans for the October release. That’s the one where they were going to get rid of mass reduction on HICs (but didn’t have anything in place to replace it yet), changed ECM to they way it is now, etc etc. Brisc went and facetanked the WH community and then took all their concerns (along w/Jin’taan) to CCP via the CSM and made usre CCP didn’t actually go fully pants-on-head retarded in screwing them over, and I… wrote an article. It’s what I do in situations like that.

That article spent the first three paragraphs saying things like “WHAT THE SCREAMING CHRIST, CCP?” and “JESUS ■■■■ WHAT KIND OF MORONIC IDEA IS…”

And it said those things in the context of ‘this is my initial reaction and I am calming down now to write the article’. Basically, I meant it as kind of a joke. Sort of the ‘initial reactions will be over-reactions, let’s get them out of the way and move on’ type deal.

And then Jin’taan came to me and basically said 'WTF were you thinking, you absolute idiot?" Seems the devs he’d spoken to went and read all of two paragraphs into that article… then stopped. They don’t like getting bitched out. Nobody does. So they stopped reading before they got to the bit that explained that I wasn’t really writing that article.

If you put it in those ‘vulgar terms so they all grasp it’? They’ll ignore you. They just stop reading And then your opinion doesn’t just carry no weight, it has served to damage the credibility you had with them.

It’s politics. You haveto know how to get people to listen to you without being offensive… or you’ll make them hostile to anything you bring to their attention.