bringing friends is fine but the resources needed to kill your average rorq is ridiculas and there should be NO ship that is invulnerable even for short amounts of time let alone one that can cyno in the biggest ships in the game.
I have thought outside the box… and inside the box… this is not right no matter how many times you attempt to say ‘‘you could do this’’ or ‘‘you could do that’’
you literally can’t.
Basically each capital has its weaknesses.
Carriers can be killed by a handful of subs as long as they work to defang them.
Dreads very often cant track subcaps, even with haw weapons.
As a standard (kind of) capital the rorqual should also have design flaws and should be able to be killed if lighting a cyno… hell the nexus is ridiculas as it is - invulnerability?
well ok rorq need something that can save their ass.
But they should NOT be ble to do both a cyno AND the invulnerability core at the same time. Tbh you probably shouldnt be able to activate that if not in indy mode either.
Now i appreciate you still want to ‘put yer ore in’ but if you listen to reason and logic and take a pragmatic approach to this dilemma you will see that it is wrong, and should be changed.
I dont hunt rorqs but invulnerable ships with cyno’s is stupid af (ok ok ‘‘almost’’ invulnerable apparently)
in a years time whats to stop people using these to entosis systems?
ok you argue just join the bigger group…
but if everyone joins the same group… doh?
Pragmatic, logical.
And thats the point?
Rorquals have barely any defenses.
No, the resources needed to kill your average rorq along with his support fleet, is ridiculous. And again, thats the point?
You need a huge defense fleet for rorquals. Otherwise, this happens:
Hate to break this to you, but all ships tethered to a citadel is invulnerable.
Yes, you can. Just wait out the timer.
Otherwise, how do you explain this:
Or any of these:
Or unless they call in for backup using, you know, their cynos.
why “While lighting a cyno”. Why is that a requirement.
All youve done is whine.
Oh right. You dont. Youre just concerned for the rest of EVE that does. K.
Need to target ore in order to use PANIC modules.
Unless there happens to be ore nearby, not a concern.
We just went through this, and you forgot already. Nice one.
You mean, everyone just stays blue together with everyone else and zero conflict ever in nullsec?
If that ever happens, we will have bigger problems than a PANIC Cyno rorqual.
Oh and by the way, if youre bringing 100 titans, chances are you can handle the response fleet.
Then you’re not actually thinking outside of the box, the counters to panic have been listed, you’re dismissing them because they take effort and you just want a free easy way to kill rorqs with minimal effort, you don’t really need that much to kill a rorq, aslong as it can’t panic its basically a sitting duck for a gang of bombers, thing is, even without panic it can still cyno in a bunch of capitals and you’re still not going to kill it because they will just bring through a FAX and you won’t be able to kill it, now, you’ve been told how you beat panic, and you’ve been told to bring a cyno jammer, if doing these 2 things takes “too many resources” then i would argue that you don’t deserve that kill
The smart adapt, the rest whine on the forums that they can’t get easy kills
The fact that panic REQUIRES you have an asteroid locked in order to activate it, like has been said atleast twice
except huge tanks and a sh@t load of drone damage, and thats before we consider the ‘invulnerability’
That would be fine provided the cyno cannot be lit on anything that is in ‘panic’…
and yet not when they light a cyno…
Ye sure, you can kill a rorq in a wh or from a scrub alliance; or that shouldnt be mining; you can link crappy killmails all you like but you prove nothing.
There should never have been made an invulnerable cyno, this is why ships that cyno on citadels break tether
with 119 sensor strength you cant exactly jam it, and what else is it gonna have locked; a tetsi fly?
counters to panic have been listed…
uhm, you dumb; there is no counter; once in panic its IN panic and you cant stop it from going IN panic which 100% means guess what?
do you need that explained in another language or something?
oh cyno inhib? not a counter to panic… ecm? seriously… anyone who even lists ecm as a counter is a complete tool, you know it we know it, they know it; dont be a tool.
spend a minute to anchor it… i dont think you quite understand everything theat goes on, there is no warm up period to light a cyno or hit panic.
I think tbvh im talking to either a bunch of highsec nubs that have ‘ideas’ on how things work but not actually a scooby
so your saying all the csm are dumb because they couldnt adapt to combat interceptors?
Anyway continue your salty outpour, eventually rorqs will get this changedor panic will be taken away or halved or some such.
Stands to reason if they have taken away ceptor nullification and nerfed fax then rorq should, in all likelihood, be next on the list.
So cypherous and solonius, enjoy your rorq mining while it lasts you risk averse obnoxious carebears
after i had commented yes, you really are stupid arent you.
Here we go, angry miner rant incomming because doesnt want safety feature to printing isk gone
I mean there would be no point in being in the imperium if couldnt cyno entire cap umbrella in for defence…
Not anymore than any other capital ship, like a carrier or a dread.
And Drone damage from a rorq with 3 drone damage amps and industrial core 2 on, deal around only 1200 damage per second with 2 geckos and an Ogre 2. At all 5. Thats barely above a battleship. A single, battleship.
So no, on both counts.
Again, whats your argument against this? Other than “I dont want it to”?
K. Still waiting on an argument why this is a bad thing.
I prove everything with the killmails and battlereports i provide.
Youre sole contention to this seems to be, and this is a “Seems to be” because this isnt an actual argument, more of a complaint, that you, and I quote:
And then you answered your own question.
And thats exactly the answer.
A cyno is useless without a fleet to come and jump to it.
Heres a question. If youre a single player on a single character in a single rorqual with no fleet, and you light a cyno, who will come to your aid?
Thats right, no one.
tl;dr tbvh, i dont have time to read your witless self preserving logic.
besides, you just repeat yourself and your completely biased.
And if a carrier jumps out, and you cant stop it from jumping out, which 100% means guess what?
Oh wait, there is a counter.
Its a counter to the cyno, which is the point.
Whats your problem with the rorqual, exactly? Is it the Cyno, or the invulnerability? I thought it was both being used at the same time. The Cyno Inhib, inihibites the cyno. Without cyno, the Panic module is useless.
Ergo, your problems are solved.
Theres also no warmup to hit jump. So how do supercarriers and carriers, die?
There are plenty of rorquals dying. This doesnt seem to be a problem that anyone has, except for you.
Maybe you just suck at PVP?
Yes, which is completely irrelevant to the PANIC module. You can still cyno in a fleet even if you somehow dont have a panic module. Funny, huh.
Words of a defeated man.
Not a single argument as to why its wrong. Other than “My feelings are hurt”.
Boo hoo to you.
‘maybe’ you suck at reading and comprehension
actually you dont, your a miner; i’ll bet money you have more than one rorq out in delve and THIS is the only reason you disagree.
There are plenty of rorqs dying, what does this even mean? nothing, absolutely nothing.
If we were to look at the life of ants and simply came up with ‘‘there’s plenty of ants dying’’ you would be laughed out of scientific study circles.
but then not much can be expected from a person with an iq smaller than their shoe size i guess…
go go solonius
theres at least one person here that believes you!!
Solonius just cant let it go…
poor poor little carebear