Connectivity issues on 28 July

Still lets me charactor select but socket closes, im loosing isk here folks

wont even let me login after 3 computer resets, pissed off royaly, FIX THIS CCP!

CCP = Computer Canā€™t Process
CCP = Canā€™t Calculate Properly

my play button turned into a squareā€¦ Iā€™m going inā€¦ wish me luck folks



Working for me now. I have no idea what changed, other than posting on this thread. Initially, though, restarting PC, clearing cache, and changing ports didnā€™t work. Seems like something changed on CCPā€™s end?

Update: Did a full restart. Working now shrug

Iā€™m in to

LOL At Top says problem be notified when solved all can do is wait people suxs i have had cpl issues since last patch not been able play proper and not resolved. Cross fingers hope dont loose more paid time cause they will not give you time, thats for sure. ( WTG CCP keep deploying updates that have problems and expect us keep paying while try figure it out,no wonder server/actives has dropped over last year or so keep up good work pissing ones who play off loose another cpl thousand members haha.:rofl:

And now both characters log in without me even opening launcher???WTF

Having the same issue hereā€¦log in to one of charactersā€¦and when coming into game get the socket closed issueā€¦
Couldnā€™t even log in to account before to post hereā€¦so some progress I guessā€¦
Even reinstalled eveā€¦

Been trying to get into game for an hour and a half approx.

Annnnddddd now Iā€™m logged out via Socket Closed after trying to log in for 2 hours. Jesusā€¦

Seriously, just put the ON switch to the OFF position, wait 2 minutes then move it back to the ON position.

Itā€™s a computer, that tends to clear most software issues. Right now we have lost an hour of game time and nothing has changed.

and iā€™ve been booted to, that was a sweet 30 seconds of game time though

That might work for your desktop computer. But I assure you, that wonā€™t fix problems with CCPā€™s servers (or most servers, for that matter).

Same issue here.
It almost logged in just now but then went to socket closed.
Cā€™mon CCP just reboot the servers and be done with.

Nice, fam! I only got about 5-6 seconds before getting kicked.

Still unable to log in, even after others are reporting that theyā€™re able to log in.

Just got booted from game, will CCP reinburse me for my ship loss if I die?


Thanks CCP Phantom for the early response on this one.

o7 to the team!


Did a restart, worked for about ten minutes, now getting the same message about socket unplugged