Considering jumping back in the cockpot

I used to play a lot back in 2009 ish, got away from game for real life. On deployment with lots of free time. Thinking of jumping back in the game. A) is the game still as fun as I remember B) any tips I should consider before making the jump. Thanks in advance.


What do you consider fun?

A) Yes. The graphics got better, and many new things were added.

B) After 8 years perhaps treat it like a new game and leave all expectations aside and just enjoy it.

The PVP was a blast, out in High Sec and just making runs with the miners. Then Wars were fun too.

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Still plenty of PVP. If you like high-sec ganking, join CODE. If you like fleet warfare, find a null-sec corp. There’s currently a giant war going on in null-sec, I believe. At least, Tritanium prices are ridiculously high, so somebody is building a LOT of ships.

empire wars not in a good state and has been so for some time now.
basically if you’re not ganking of being a hubhumping degenerate you will have to put in an absurd amount of time
to find just a handful of targets once a war is live.

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Ya can’t tell by lookin’ at the title?

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Came for the title, stayed out of respect for a fighting veteran.

Only kidding, the title was enough.

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What is a cockpot and why would you want to jump into it?


I simply assumed he leans towards Gallente…


Ya guys are makin’ my day.

I think he meant onto it

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The one time auto-correct doesn’t fix something. Eh, at least it got me some answers and a little trolling. Though I expect more trolling from this community. Figured if it was like the earlier days I’d have a few more jokes. But thanks gents :sweat_smile:


I hope its more comfortable than a corndord

Wow … you really deserved this! :rofl:

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