At the time of seeding all systems were devoid of inhabitants. That fact may have changed between my initial listing and commencement of negotiations. I am happy to give a status update on all listed systems upon request and prior to exchange of ISK.I do offer system holds, provided a down payment of 100,000,000 ISK has been paid to me and terms negotiated. However this down payment is not negotiable and non-refundable in the event that you change your mind. I am willing to refund your 100,000,000 ISK in the event that the system you wished to purchase has been claimed by some other entity in the time between you placing your deposit and static handover.
I accept requests for wormholes, however please understand that more than one individual may request a specific hole combination. Due to this, I will contact all interested parties and auction off the hole. You will have 24 hours to reply in order to be included in the auction, failure to reply disqualifies you from bidding this time around. Understanding that, click this link to fillout a request form and i’ll be in contact ASAP.
My prefered process for sales, is half for the static and half for me to leave. I will not reenter what i now consider your system through the same static that was used for you to gain entry. This is for your peace of mind and security, as regardless how trusted a party may be, you should always protect yourself.
Due to the nature of the item I am selling, I do not offer refunds post static location disclosure.
Sales made: 24
This is an official post from Peta Chieve.
Trusted services representative of White Partyhat Company.
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