And I wonder if CCP has any hard data on how often this actually happens?
I run sites, particularly during events, and in all that time I’ve never once fired on or been fired on by a ‘ninja looter’.
Usually what happens is they come in to the site and try to get the kill on the loot dropper, if they do they grab it and run. If they don’t and are close enough, sometimes they will go suspect and run. But mostly they’ll just leave if they don’t get the kill.
I’ve had ninjas come in, get the kill on the loot dropper, and I was close enough to grab it and go suspect. More often than not I will then warp off, but I have stuck around after going suspect only for them to just warp away.
In all the time I’ve had ninja looters come in to a site I was running, none of them were looking for a fight. Just the loot. And I wasn’t looking for a fight in my PvE ship either.
So if I were to guess how often “contesting loot” (ninja looting) resulted in CCPs desperate (based on the silly ideas apparently some people in the game are giving them) desire to instigate PvP fights this way, I’d say it’s VERY low.
Usually what happens is the person running the site gets royally aggravated and may Meta game by telling the player who did it, in Local, what they think of them a person in real life. (Who me? Would I do that? ) Personally I’m far LESS aggravated by a suicide ganker.
I’ve put bounties on ninja looters as well, only to get a bounty back. So… yeah. Helpful. Your best bet is to just tell them off in local and make them ruminate on how contemptible a person they are as they go to bed at night.
Save the PvP for people who are actually looking to PvP, CCP. The aggravated and p**ed off players to “Yay! We started a PvP fight between two ships” ratio is WAY too high.