Corp Flagships

I can’t see what you don’t show.

Now as I said,

I don’t know what you’re asking anymore

You were the only asking if I had seen something from you that you did not advertise.
I tell you no, because you did not advertise it.

I only answer to your question.

It’s no longer a part of the post. The one per corp is gone.

now, if you want to limit the availability, you can require some activity from players to build it.

eg if it requires 1100 research lines active to produce its monthly fuel, that means that at least 100 omega players will be required.

The production must not consume a lot of isk, but require a lot of times for the monthly consumption, and a big volume to avoid trading it.

I was thinking that because this ship was effectively every type of super rolled into one, it should take alot to produce and to maintain but would be a good asset to the corp that made it.

The LAST THING this game needs is another bigger ship. The ship creep from caps has already had a detrimental effect.

Major -1.


So it would seem

So you will discount his idea but won’t discount the same practice that CODE employs?

Need a bucket full of Give A Ph*ck Tissues because someone created an idea that you don’t like.

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I like the idea.

Those posting however have never flown a capital ship let alone done anything other than gank and troll the forums.

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Neither does this make any sense, nor is it relevant to the topic.

So at this point it is no longer a corp flagship but another spacedick to helicopter around. If this ship were real we would be updating the delve dream to include two of them in every hangar, and we would be even more productive in wartime mining enemy rocks and running enemy anoms.

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Anderson Geten is actually correct on the corporation restriction point.

It wouldn’t slow anyone down.

Even if you upped the requirements and made it so that “only a corporation that has been established for X amount of time” and/or “hold SOV” it can still be easily worked around (I personally have 2 VERY OLD corporations under alt characters to hide assets).

Hell… I know people who keep “shell” and/or “administrative” alliances around to store assets and keep certain 0.0 systems out of the hands of their “forward facing” alliances (see also: where the laypeople reside in).
And keeping an alliance around is expensive (see: unlike a corporation, it costs money to keep an alliance alive).

Fuel costs do add tedium… but understand that all 0.0 alliances regularly fuel and maintain large numbers of POSs and Citadels. So that will only be a minor inconvenience.


The only way to sort of maintain the spirit of your idea (see: one “flagship” per corporation) is to lock the ship according to IP address.
And even that can be worked around with the right tech (VPN anyone?).

If the vessel you are envisioning is “effective” in some fashion it will be built in large numbers. There is simply no reliable way to stop this. Titans and Supercarriers pretty much proved that point. So did citadels.

Especially today when some alliances are making TRILLIONS of ISK per day.

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